Category "androidx"

Android ViewModel - "by activityViewModels" called before "by viewModels"

After some time away from android development I'm trying to start again with a simple project. I've created a new project picking the "basic activity" option wh

Android studio: cannot access MenuHost class file for androidx.core.view.MenuHost not found

I've got an error while building my project. This is my error message: cannot access MenuHost class file for androidx.core.view.MenuHost not found. I didn't fin

android.useAndroidX property is not enabled, why it should be?

I am having an issue with androiDx libraries, so when I am adding shimmer library into my projects or glide photo library or when i update the google play servi (

I'm getting this error in Crashlytics (Firebase). The app is built in Flutter and I'm not sure about this error that I don't get locally: Fatal Exception: java.

ViewPager2 dependency confusion

I was about to try ViewPager2 but I don't understand when I saw someone add the following dependency declaration in their gradle file: implementation 'androidx.

Duplicate class found in modules?

I tried adding Installreferrer to my app after adding it to gradle, when rebuilding the app. I'm getting this error. Duplicate class foun

Is "@Keep support annotation" rule in proguard-android-optimize.txt still applicable when using AndroidX?

It is common to apply proguard-android-optimize.txt as proguard file. proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), 'proguard-project.

How can I make AndroidX the default library for new Android projects?

Google now recommends using the AndroidX libraries over the older support libraries (read here), yet each time I start a new Android project in Android studio,

Duplicate class found in modules classes?

I am developing a news app but I am getting following errors in from gradle console (androidx.core:core:1.0.1) and classes.jar (

Android Notification MediaStyle Ignores Ongoing Flag

I am attempting to employ a MediaStyle notification in an audio Android application as discussed in the audio app documentation as well as in the media style do

AndroidX navigation navigateUp twice

I am using the new AndroidX navigation framework. I have a few fragments all linked in a navigation chain. FragmentA --> FragmentB --> FragmentC Fragme

How to handle notch(display cutout) in android API lower than 28?

Android added notch support on API 28, but how to handle it on devices running API 27 (Honor 10, Huawei P20, etc.) ? I was trying to use DisplayCutoutCompat

After cleaning gradle, androidx-test.core module throws merged-manifest errors

In a react-native project, ive recently updated to v66.4 from v63.2 after some dependency conflict troubleshooting, i ultimately get a merged manifest error, th

After cleaning gradle, androidx-test.core module throws merged-manifest errors

In a react-native project, ive recently updated to v66.4 from v63.2 after some dependency conflict troubleshooting, i ultimately get a merged manifest error, th

cardBackgroundColor and cardCornerRadius not working in AndroidX

I'm struggling with CardView corner radius and background color with AndroidX libraries. I've defined my layout as below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="u

how to get viewModel by viewModels? (fragment-ktx)

I am working with Single viewModel for the Activity and all of it's fragment. So to initialise viewmodel if have to write this setup code in onActivityCreated

How to use TabLayout with ViewPager2 in Android

I want to use component with Android's new ViewPager implementation androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2. However, t

Failed to transform file 'some-lib-release.aar' to match attributes {artifactType=processed-aar} using transform JetifyTransform

I have a project with 2 modules: an app (Java) with build types debug, release, and enterprise and a Kotlin library (release and debug) used by the app. I'm us

Cannot access fragmentclass file for not found

I am trying to do this in android studio: Glide.with(getApplicationContext()).load(Uri.parse(url.get((int)(5)))).into(imageview6); but it shows the following e

PreferenceFragmentCompat has padding on PreferenceCategory that I can't get rid of

So I've been trying to create a settings activity using androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat and it's all working fine. However for some reason there is