Although it is the same exception, my situation is different from SavedStateProvider with the given key is already registered as I am using Nav-graph Scoped Vie
I've got an error for 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' in styles.xml (the 'Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar' is colored red because of err
I have migrated to androidX recently and updated my targetSdkVersion to 29. After that I received the error when try to run androidTests: Cannot find a version
When I'm building Gradle with androidx I get the following error. Please help me to solve this issue. Error Message: Manifest merger failed : Attribute ap
I came to know about ViewPager2 and tried to implement it, but didn't find any proper example. Can anyone tell me how can I use it. I am looking for proper us
I came to know about ViewPager2 and tried to implement it, but didn't find any proper example. Can anyone tell me how can I use it. I am looking for proper us
So around 1% of my daily users are haunted with the NavigationView exception which is caused by an image resource not being found. I find that strange, 99% of o
I have search stockoverflow and google with no luck. I recently migrated my app to androidx, after a lot of effort I was able to fix all the build fails. but n
I am working on login screen where I want to implememt material edit text with following view : Following is my code : <
We have implemented bottom navigation as described here:
I have created an Android application and I have added the "Navigation Drawer Activity" from Gallery, I have removed and renamed the menu items. After starting
In Room 2.1.0, it is common to have the following code Version 2 @Entity(tableName = "password") public class Password { @ColumnInfo(name = "dummy0")
I have made some projects using androidx, today i decided to start new progject without use of androidx and my starter template shows this (source: