Category "angular-router-guards"

Cypress with Azure AD (MSAL)

I'm new to both Cypress and Azure AD, but I've been following the steps described here to create Cypress tests on an existing Angular app that uses Azure AD. It

Anglar 13 route guard (canActivate) only works on first page load

Solution found - since the solution is much shoerter than the problem, I add it here: The problem was not the guard (even though I optimized the guard by using

Angular how to disable authGuard on particular child page

can anyone suggest best way to disable authguard (applied on parent level) on a single child page. ROUTES:Routes = [ { path: '', component:

Angular 6: simple confirmation on page leaving

I need to make a simple confirm window and I saw a lot of examples of how to do it with extra actions (like waiting until file uploading of form is not field).