I am having an issue where I am trying to query a subquery by a field, and I have tried the emulator as well as firebase support (still on going, but not soluti
Good morning! I have a strange problem where i can run & authenticate my user on my ios device perfectly fine running the app using the command below. ionic
To upload a picture into Firebase storage, I am creating a path for the AngularFireStorage.upload method: In the template, an input to select the file: <inpu
Suppose there is a list in my Realtime Database such that it has a user list at location userList as: user1: { age: 20, name: john } user2 : { age: 40, name: s
If I call valueChanges on a Firestore document that doesn't exist, it returns undefined: this.afs.doc('bad_document_ref').valueChanges().subscribe(snapshot =>
I have a query on firebase, but I want to show just the most 10 recents registers instead all of them my code is: videos: Observable<any[]>; construc
I'm having a hard time to figure out this error. Here is my code that I'm building in to make a AuthGuard service: user.service.ts: import { Injectable } from
I am doing a document filter functionality. The problem is that when I receive a filter for the "max_players" and "name" fields, it returns an empty array when
I'm attempting to connect to the firebase emulator within an integration test, using the new AngularFire API (>v7) import { TestBed } from '@angular/co
I want to create simple login authentication with google using firebase. I have installed angular CLI: 13.1.4, firebase, firebase: 10.1.1 & @angular/fire
I have a CRUD app powered by angular. Recently I added datatables to it in order to search, filter, sort,export and hide columns using the power of datatables.