Category "angularfire"

Firestore rules: Property is undefined on object. for 'list' @ L6

I am having an issue where I am trying to query a subquery by a field, and I have tried the emulator as well as firebase support (still on going, but not soluti

Authentication problem with running ionic app using firebase on native device, everything works fine with live reload

Good morning! I have a strange problem where i can run & authenticate my user on my ios device perfectly fine running the app using the command below. ionic

Undefined $event when trying to generate a path

To upload a picture into Firebase storage, I am creating a path for the AngularFireStorage.upload method: In the template, an input to select the file: <inpu

Fetch some (and not all) properties from a list in Firebase Realtime Database

Suppose there is a list in my Realtime Database such that it has a user list at location userList as: user1: { age: 20, name: john } user2 : { age: 40, name: s

AngularFire valueChanges with idField and non-existent document

If I call valueChanges on a Firestore document that doesn't exist, it returns undefined: this.afs.doc('bad_document_ref').valueChanges().subscribe(snapshot =>

AngularFIre: LImit to 10 most recents registers

I have a query on firebase, but I want to show just the most 10 recents registers instead all of them my code is: videos: Observable<any[]>; construc

AngularFireList, property valueChanges() show the error Property 'query' is missing in type 'Observable<{}[]>

I'm having a hard time to figure out this error. Here is my code that I'm building in to make a AuthGuard service: user.service.ts: import { Injectable } from

When sorting by multiple fields in Firestore with startAt and endAt not working correctly

I am doing a document filter functionality. The problem is that when I receive a filter for the "max_players" and "name" fields, it returns an empty array when

AngularFireModule has not been provided using v7.0.1 and new method of initializing the firebase app

I'm attempting to connect to the firebase emulator within an integration test, using the new AngularFire API (>v7) import { TestBed } from '@angular/co

Angular google authentication with firebase

I want to create simple login authentication with google using firebase. I have installed angular CLI: 13.1.4, firebase, firebase: 10.1.1 & @angular/fire

Datatables search, filter, and export with Firebase

I have a CRUD app powered by angular. Recently I added datatables to it in order to search, filter, sort,export and hide columns using the power of datatables.