I would like to change the bg colour of div when clicked on that particular div. The div is placed in a slider panel. For example, if I click Home, the slider g
I have an a string like the following, var x = "[{"k":"1"}]"; console.log(x[0].K); I ant hange this string sine I am getting from the server.Its out of my co
I'm trying to do that after the foreach angle, perform a function to save on server images on the bench. But problem is that the function is executed before fin
I have the following sort: let sortedCon = this.con.sort((a, b) => a.lastname.localeCompare(b.lastname)); I am trying to get it to handle nulls and mainta
I'm trying to make an array that if a value doesn't exist then it is added but however if the value is there I would like to remove that value from the array as
I'm getting an OWASP ZAP Scanning alert: Medium (Medium) X-Frame-Options Header Not Set Description X-Frame-Options header is not included in the HTT
I need to test a dropdown on angularjs application using cypress. I would need to click on a dropdown and select or click an item from the dropdownlist. I trie
I am using firebase for my chat application. In chat object I am adding time stamp using Firebase.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP method. I need to show the message rece
I need to force download of file using JavaScript. I am using Angular and restangular to communicate with API. I am now working on file download action from API
I'm aware that if we use a iFrame in HTML we've to sandbox it & add the 'allow-scripts' permission to be true. But my problem is I don't have a iFrame at al
I want design something like in the Image, where a 6 digit one time password (OTP) is to be entered by user. Right now I have achieved this by 6 separate inputs
I know input[date] require date type from JSON, then I format ngModel value with new Date(json.date) , it's works 2015-11-15 become Mon Nov 15 2015 02:00:00 GMT
I want my buttons showing left- and right arrow and NOW text to be as small as possible. How do I do that? <div ng-controller="DateCtrl" layout="row" flex&g
I am using https://github.com/allenhwkim/angularjs-google-maps directive in my project Following is a code sample in which markers are drawn on the map <m
New to programming and first time posting here as well. I've got a bit of an issue with my bootstrap table inside a panel. I have a dropdown menu where the use
I have an Ionic v1 chat application, I made everything, but I encountred the famous problem when clicking on a send button (send chat) the keyboard loses focus
I am using ng-file-upload directive to upload files to nodejs in my application. Now, I am trying to compress the image before uploading. To do that I have trie
Angular.js internally uses createDateInputType to handle date and time specific input elements with ngModel binding. In this createDateParser is used to parse d
I am using Angular ui-select. My model & ui-select option array are different. While changing value its not updated and not displaying options. I am storing
I am using Angular ui-select. My model & ui-select option array are different. While changing value its not updated and not displaying options. I am storing