Category "annotations"

Run ner.manual in Prodigy on csv file

I am new to Prodigy and haven't fully figured out the paradigm. For a project, I would like to manually annotate names from texts. My team has developed our own

SwiftUI - MapAnnotation is showing up in wrong position

I am trying to display multiple map annotations to Apple Maps In SwiftUI, but the annotations are showing in some wrong perspective. All positions are displayed

How to wrap the return of @FindBy into another class

The usage of the annotation @FindBy of selenium is: @FindBy(xpath='//xpath/selector') private WebElement element; public void setText(String te

Symfony 4.4 Translation Annotations Nelmio ApiDoc

I have a symfony 4.4 project with enabled translations and now I have to find a solution that translations also take effect for swagger annotations. The result

Display/ Hide Markers on Video based on current time Javascript

I am trying to implement a function that displays/ hides markers (could be subtitles, highlighted area) based on "timeUpdate" event which tracks current time. M

What is the difference between @EJB of JEE and @Autowired of Spring?

What is the difference between @EJB of JEE and @Autowired of Spring Framework? Are those the same thing? And if not, which are the differencies? I have seen t

Stacked bars are unexpectedly annotated with the sum of bar heights

My data: names_col = ['Count','Freq'] dat = [['Matching', 56935],['Mismatching', 100587]] plot_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dat,columns=names_col) I trying plot stac

Is there a video visualization tool with sequential scene labels and their time annotations?

I'm looking for a video visualization tool with sequential scene labels and their time annotations. For example, suppose I have a cooking video. Given the actio

Add another annotation when an annotation is present with Java 8

I am currently creating my own CRUD-managing class. For this purpose I work with an annotation that looks like this: import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; im

@Size annotation doesn't seem to work for my class

I have a Spring Boot Controller with an endpoint that accepts the following Configuration class (as json). The class has the param maxIterations and has a @Size

How to read config file (*.yaml *.properties) without spring framework

I have a project but not in spring, how can I use annotation to read content in config files like *.yaml or *.properties under resource package.

Is it possible to test a function that uses get_type_hints with a doctest?

I have a function that uses typing.get_type_hints. I want to add a documentation test to it. However, it looks like get_type_hints fails to resolve types that a

How to create and annotate a stacked proportional bar chart

I'm struggling to create a stacked bar chart derived from value_counts() of a columns from a dataframe. Assume a dataframe like the following, where responder i

How to implement a parameter decorator in TypeScript?

I've been trying to use a parameter decorator @logParameter: class Person { public name: string; public surname: string; constructor(name : string, sur

Inject application properties without Spring

I would like a simple, preferably annotation-based way to inject external properties into a java program, without using the spring framework (org.springframewor

Command line load-time weaving

So I am starting with AspectJ and have a problem. The following example works perfectly in Eclipse but when I try to run it in bash - it does not work. This i

Spring AOP with Around advice and @annotation not working

I am using Spring AOP for logging in my application. Here is the applicationContext.xml file <mvc:annotation-driven /> <context:component-scan base-

Can't find @Nullable inside javax.annotation.*

I want use @Nullable annotation to eliminate NullPointerExceptions. I found some tutorials on the net, I noticed that this annotation comes from the package j

Hibernate Mapping Error: MappingException: An AnnotationConfiguration instance

I have a project with Hibernate.I tried to read the configuration file hibernate.cfg and got this error: Error creando una factoria de

Get/Set Annotation from/in existsing PDF using itextSharp

I'm working on a project where i have to read an existing pdf using iTextSharp.PdfReader, then getAnnotations in order to insert them back in a new generated pd