I'm using Ansible 2.8.4-1.el7 in order to automate some tasks. Since I'm starting learning the tool, I'm going through the official documentation most of the ti
I can't setup inventory which will be easy and useful in yml format for Ansible Playbook :( For example: all: children: db: children: produc
I'm new at Ansible and YAML syntax and I'm facing a simple issue: how to iterate over two lists, with the same index? Something like that: int[] listOne; int
I have endless kafka servers to configure, their ids must be different from each other. Configuration must be done through jinja templating. Their broker.id fi
I want to create a dictionary in ansible from a list; using some variables for the value in the key-value pair of the dictionary, but it seems to be not working
How can I trigger a job in Ansible Tower using its API on a Github branch commit? I could use a Github webhook but when triggered by a push it occurs regardle
This is a very simple Ansible playbook I run from AWX to get information about hosts, and it works as intended on Linux machines: --- - name: Get some info d
I would like to compare more than 2 lists, and see if they have the same values in same indexes. I have the previous questions regarding how I can alternate the
.score.sh is given as #!/bin/bash pass=0; fail=0; if [ $? -eq 0 ];then worker=`ps -eaf|grep nginx|grep worker` master=`ps -eaf|grep nginx|grep master`
The handlers I have are not being run by the playbook or tasks I have the following directory structur: <project> - playbook.yml - <roles>
I am trying to build some docker files using ansible, but it is not clear what is used as the build directory. directory structure . ├── build
How to extract a hostname with the largest number and use that hostname in the mount command as shown below? Basically, I have only one volume that needs to be
We try to configure an Azure VM using an Azure DevOps pipeline. We first create the machine using Terraform and then we need to configure it. Right now the pipe
I'm building an Ansible playbook in which I want to make a backup of a database in case I need to upgrade the software. For this I want to compare the highest v
I have some Terraform code with an aws_instance and a null_resource: resource "aws_instance" "example" { ami = data.aws_ami.server.id instance_ty
I'm new to Ansible and I'm having a problem passing a variable into json_query to read elements from a JSON array. working line: Interface:{{ result.json |
I want to uncomment a line in file sshd_config by using Ansible and I have the following working configuration: - name: Uncomment line from /etc/ssh/sshd_confi
I am using Ansible (2.9.6) to connect Windows server using WinRM CredSSP. for win ping command its giving server did not response with CredSSP token. CredSSP en
I have the following local set of files: $ find . -maxdepth 2 . ./.DS_Store ./radio ./radio/server.properties ./radio/recordings/ ./radio/requirements.txt ./rad
I will be notifying users that an event will happen in 15 minutes; I then perform tasks that take a variable amount of time which is less than 15 minutes, and I