Category "apache-spark-sql"

Is there are difference between PySpark and SparkSQL? If so, what's the difference?

Long story short, I'm tasked with converting files from SparkSQL to PySpark as my first task at my new job. However, I'm unable to see many differences outside

How do I select the columns of a table in databricks sql?

I can use: show columns in table_name but this does not allow me to use the output in a query? This throws an error: SELECT * FROM show columns in table_name

Error while reading date and datetime column from mariadb via spark

I am reading the mariadb table from spark which has date and datetime fields. Spark is throwing error while reading. Below is the schema of mariadb table: Spar

Scala spark UDF function that takes input and puts it in an Array

I am trying to create a Scala UDF for Spark, that can be used in Spark SQL. The objective of the function is to accept any column type as input, and put it in a

spark how to convert a json string to a struct column without schema

Spark: 3.0.0 Scala: 2.12.8 My data frame has a column with JSON string and I want to create a new column from it with the StructType. |temp_json_string

(py)spark weighted average taking account of missing values

Is there a canonical way to compute the weighted average in pyspark ignoring missing values in the denominator sum? Take the following example: # create data da

How do I Insert Overwrite with parquet format?

I am have two parquet file in azure data lake gen2 I want to Insert Overwrite onw with other. I was trying the same in azure data bricks by doing below. Reading

Processing data from a kafka stream using Pyspark

What the console of the kafka consumer looks like: ["2017-12-31 16:06:01", 12472391, 1] ["2017-12-31 16:06:01", 12472097, 1] ["2017-12-31 16:05:59", 12471979,

How to apply a pandas geocode function to Pyspark column


Databricks local test fail with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:

I have a unit test to databricks code, and I want to run it locally on windows. Unluckily when I run pytest with PyCharm, it throws the following exception: Exc

Insert Overwrite in data bricks overwriting complete data in table?

I am have two table 1 is with 50K records and other is with 2.5K records and I want to update this 2.5K records into table one. Currently I was doing this by us

Spark/Scala approximate group by

Is there a way of counting approximately after a group by on an sql dataset in Spark? Or more generally, what is the fastest way of group by counting in Spark?

How to use Apache Spark to query Hive table with Kerberos?

I am attempting to use Scala with Apache Spark locally to query Hive table which is secured with Kerberos. I have no issues connecting and querying the data pro

Spark SQL: Parse date string from dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd

I want to use spark SQL or pyspark to reformat a date field from 'dd/mm/yyyy' to 'yyyy/mm/dd'. The field type is string: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession fr

Pyspark Window function on entire data frame

Consider a pyspark data frame. I would like to summarize the entire data frame, per column, and append the result for every row. +-----+----------+-----------+

Spark SQL error from EMR notebook with AWS Glue table partition

I'm testing some pyspark code in an EMR notebook before I deploy it and keep running into this strange error with Spark SQL. I have all my tables and metadata i

Convert date to ISO week date in Spark

Having dates in one column, how to create a column containing ISO week date? ISO week date is composed of year, week number and weekday. year is not the same as

Auto increment id in delta table while inserting

I have a problem regarding merging csv files using pysparkSQL with delta table. I managed to create upsert function that update if matched and insert if not mat

Convert UTC timestamp to local time based on time zone in PySpark

I have a PySpark DataFrame, df, with some columns as shown below. The hour column is in UTC time and I want to create a new column that has the local time based

Scala error - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:$Windows.access0(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z

I have a requirement where i am reading data from a CSV file and writing data to a Delta table over scala on window OS. My scala code is given below:- import co