Category "api-gateway"

Spring Cloud Gateway - custom 404 error message when route is not found

I have a basic Spring Cloud Gateway app that is configured with YAML: server: port: 8080 logging: level: reactor: netty: INFO org: spri

How to allow users to consume GCP API Gateway programmatically?

I have a simple bussiness case, not real one, but common: We have an API to sell, maybe weather API. Users stored and managed with some identity provider. Users

Ocelot API Gateway error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I am trying to build a microservice architecture system using Ocelot as my API Gateway. I have had the current problem for about 2 weeks and have not been able

how to solve kong first reqtest delay problem, how to restrict access to some routes, how to do instrumentaion

I have a microservices structure with a few services based on python/Django The structure is as below: user <===> kong <===> alpha <===> kong

How to set up on Windows machine

Is it possible to install Access Management on a local Windows machine?

kong gateway add headers

I want to add some headers to my incoming rest api requests with kong gateway. In the kong admin UI, I set these parametes : config.add.headers: myheader: $(con

kong gateway add headers

I want to add some headers to my incoming rest api requests with kong gateway. In the kong admin UI, I set these parametes : config.add.headers: myheader: $(con

How to get path parameter in spring cloud function

I have a java application written using spring-cloud-functions and deployed in aws lambda which connects to aws api-gateway I have a 'GET' api(let's say /employ

API Gateway Proxy for S3 with subdirectories

I created an API Gateway method GET with integration type "AWS Service" for "S3". I defined a Path override: {object} that is mapped from method.request.path.i

Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter

I have delivered aws serverless (LAmbda, API GW & DynamoDB), but during the developers test they have faced the following error with their 'Postman' utility

Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter

I have delivered aws serverless (LAmbda, API GW & DynamoDB), but during the developers test they have faced the following error with their 'Postman' utility

AWS Api Gateway / AWS ALB / Kong Api Gateway

I have a task to replace current CA layer 7 with new API gateway. New API gateway should be able to handle 1. Rate limiting 2. Authentication 3. Ver

AWS Api Gateway: Missing Authentication Token

So i have a Custom Domain Name setup for api gateway linked to a lambda function. I have it working fine if i do the behavior i

internal communication Microservices through API Gateway

In a microservice architecture, there is a common pattern called API Gateway. I know that all communication from outside the API Gateway is used as a single e

Nestjs as API gateway + Moleculer as microservice

I'm very new in microservices, I was a wonder to know that is there any way to call a moleculer action from nestjs gateway?

How to enable Cloudwatch logging for AWS API GW via Cloudformation template

I am trying to enable cloudwatch logs for AWS API Gateway via cloudformation template but it does not enables. I have tried setting up logginglevel to INFO in b

API Gateway Ocelot and Kubernetes

I am trying to access my microservice "externalforum-api-svc" inside my kubernetes cluster using ocelot gateway. I`ve followed the docs but it does not seem to

API Gateway Ocelot and Kubernetes

I am trying to access my microservice "externalforum-api-svc" inside my kubernetes cluster using ocelot gateway. I`ve followed the docs but it does not seem to