Category "api"

Create new application telegram API

I'm trying to register new app to use the Telegram API, but i'm aways getting ERROR message with no tips. I fill the form and click submit and nothing happened

TypeError: res.status is not a function

I'm making a function that permits me to upload a picture to imgur in my express api (nodejs), i'm encoutering an error when calling a function returning a prom

Get pull request by ID - ADO API returns null in few properties of response

I am using this ADO API - I make this

How can I use an API to implement a search functionality on Android?

I am attempting to create a search functionality in an android application and have been doing research on how I can accomplish this while taking in data from a

Shopify password update using Shopify API

Can we update password for a User or Customer that already exists in Shopify using the Shopify API?

How to send form data to API post via JavaScript

I have a form in my project and when it is submitted I need to send the data to an API and receive the response to check if there's an errors the html <form

Postman: POST request of nested JSON via form-data not working (while via raw-data ok)

I want to POST the following JSON-object via Postman: { "title": "test_title", "date": "2021-12-31", "attachments": [ { "name":

Outlook API mail enabled vs mailbox user

A very nuanced question and maybe environment specific. I am trying to use Outlook 2010 API to discern mailbox users from mail-enabled users. We are using Dell

Shopify invalid token and password Error

I am getting this error : { "errors": "[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)" } Can anyone help me About the URL o

Cancel all Previous Api call in Android - Retrofit - Using module

I have created below module in my android application. val appNetworkModule = module { // Dependency: OkHttpClient single { var okHttpClient=OkHttpClient.Bu

Request for oauth_token for Twitter shows "Sorry this page doesn't exist" error

I am sending an API request to get my oauth_token through postman. This is my request: where the

Google Apps Script basic authentication

I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to programming. I've been trying to import data table from "" into goog

Libav API: Filtering + Transconding

I need to process a list of several audio files (MP3 and WAV) and mix them to generate an audio stream (AAC codec / fltp) to be included into an mp4 file (using

How to send jsonfile in api Request

I am facing an issue while sending the json file in request for RestController, Please check the details below I have a json file , let say test.json { "Pol

Convert string to lowercase AND then convert it to its original form in PHP, is it possible?

I need to convert input data to lower and then return it in it's original form with PHP, is it impossible or does anyone have a solution? thank you. ps, i'm

OVH Api specific task sequence

Is it possible somehow to know the sequence to perform a specific task? For instance, domain registration. API commands documented here:

Dialogflow using external API with Axios

To study, I'm trying to make a bot that, in response to a request, will send an image. Used waifu pics api ( just pictures. It sends the

Pictures with Camera2 API are really dark

I'm working on Android and I'm trying to capture a picture without displaying any preview. I tried to simplify the process by making a class. It's working but a

Java - Hashing with HmacSHA384 and encoding with HexDigest

I'm trying to replicate the same signature outcome as the Python code in Java. Python Code Example: secret = "1234abcd".encode() encoded_payload = json.dumps(pa

Binance error - Too much request weight used; current limit is 1200 request weight per 1 MINUTE

exchange.load_markets() while 1: try: bars = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(ETH/USDT, timeframe='5m', limit=5)