I am currently building a Vue / Nuxt app coupled with a modified Saleor installation to sell products online. As we are migrating from an existing system we ne
I'm getting the following error when using nexus to define a graphql schema with apollo-server. Error: NEXUS__UNKNOWN__TYPE was already defined and imported as
My frontend is localhost:3000, and my GraphQL server is localhost:3333. I've used react-apollo to query/mutate in JSX land, but haven't made a query/mutation f
I have downloaded the chrome extension Apollo Client Devtools. However it is not visible when devtools are open. Is there a way of adding this or is it a bug?
With graphql-yoga you can simply import your schema by doing the following: typeDefs: './src/schema.graphql'. Is there a similar way of doing so with apollo-ser
I vaguely remember Apollo supporting a directive / mechanism, which enables offloading parts of the query into a subsequent query. I know this can be achieved c
I have created a Next.js app using Wordpress as a CMS and WPGraphQL to fetch data. I have created apollo-client the following way: uri: process.env.NEXT_PUBLI
I am trying to set up my server side backend and I'm hitting this error: node_modules/apollo-cache-control/dist/index.d.ts:24:9 - error TS2717: Subsequent prope
After I've installed redis-server and graphql-redis-subscriptions I receive the following error [GraphQL error]: Message: Field error: value is not an instance
Context This question is related to my other question, How to handle apollo client errors crashing page render in Nuxt? , but I'll try to keep this isolated sin
Now I am trying to query with multiple _and inside where in Strapi GraphQL playground. The query I am using is: { clients( where: { _and: [{ name:
I am building a small blog application using NuxtJS, Strapi 4 (and GraphQL) and apollo. To do that, i followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD
I'm trying to check if my user isLoggedIn with a query from GraphQL API data from the user if it's loggedin if not it's supposed to return undefined or some err
I have successfully created a graphql mutation that allows me to create a Staff record. mutation addNewStaff { createStaff(input: { first_name: "Test Na
I am using graphql and Vue.js and apollo Here is my DateBank const sensorsdb = [ { name: "sensor 1", id: "s-1", timestamp: 1582021371, value: