Category "appium"

How to enter a value to a textbox from an external excel or YAML file in Appium?

I'm aware of the fact that it is possible to enter a value to a text box using Appium sendkeys. Is it possible to pass values from an external excel or YAML fil

Integration of Azure Devops and Python for passing test results from automation script and update in Azure Devops?

I'm currently performing some mobile app automation with Appium and Python, where test cases are on Azure Devops. I have done the same thing with Appium, Pyth

org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Requested a new session but one was in progress)

I am using Appium 1.4.8 for iOS . I have build the code in simulator using xcode and successfully able to launch the server as well as Appium Inspector. But whi

How to disable wi-fi on Android device in Appium?

In our test case: I need to disable Wi-Fi at some specific point/action. I have verified: driver[deviceIndex].setConnection(Connection.NONE); assertEquals(Con

What Are Some Best Practices When Asserting iOS Elements Are Displayed?

I'm trying to write my first UI Automation test for an iOS app with Appium/Python. I find that when I list 10 assertions like the one below, I get very inconsis

How to start appium test on iOS simulator?

I have the following setup and trying to start the test on iOS Simulator. I am a beginner and don't know how to start the test. I have already imported and inst

Appium Inspector keeps Loading on Mac os

Desired Capabilities : "platformName": "ios", "appium:platformVersion": "15.4", "appium:deviceName": "iPhone 8", "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "appium:ap

Appium IOS tests running when server started manually but not when server is started via AppiumDriverLocalService

Attempting to run Appium automation scripts on iOS (simulator) on a Mac Mini (M1 chip, if that's relevant). When I run the tests, they work just fine when the A

How to start appium server programmatically in Python

I want to write a android test framework using Appium and python. Appium link: So after installing appium with npm, to start its server I nee

How to set timeout for chromedriver Appium

I am using python-appium client for my hybrid android application, how I can set timeout for exceptions, like NoSuchElement exception and etc., because if I swi

Finding screen elements in appium(iOS) using contains

I am doing QA and recently started using appium and cucumber to automate some tests and am still new to this. I succeeded in what I wanted to automate using som

What is the correct way to run mobile UI tests using Appium?

Using Selenium webdriver we can open needed webpage like a precondition before our tests. But how to realize the same way in mobile and does it make any sence?

Is there any ways to set "noReset" Appium capability only for one test?

I wanna compare the data between closing app and launching it again. If I don't set noReset capability to true all the data clear up, but I need this option onl

How can I find element by non-unique resousre-id?

I test an application which use non-unique resourse-id for elements. Is there any way to find such elements by xpath like //*[@resourse-id='non-unique-id'][2

How can I find element by non-unique resousre-id?

I test an application which use non-unique resourse-id for elements. Is there any way to find such elements by xpath like //*[@resourse-id='non-unique-id'][2

Scroll down method selects text in Appium

I'm using TouchAction with coordinates in Appium to scroll down the native app. Code sample: TouchAction ts = new TouchAction(driver);, 582).moveTo(

Find element using explicit wait within another element

I have the following code: List<MobileElement> messages = driver.findElements ( ("body_bubble")); //find all messages MobileElement lastMessage = me

Element was null when I user page object pattern

I'm new to mobile automation, and I'm facing a problem with page object pattern. When I try to find element with FindElementById everything works, here is my cl

xcodebuild exited with code '65' and signal 'null'

Hello I am having issues in launching ios real device for testing. My xcode version: 11.2.1 (11B500) Appium Version : 1.13.0 ( These are my

Swipe gesture is very slow, to speed up my Swipe Gesture in android?

I have horizontal swipe gesture for my Appium test but when it is executed to the swipe gesture is very slow. Is there any posible way to do it? Suggestion will