Category "apple-watch"

How to draw polyline over map in apple watchOS

We have tried with apple map but apple map SDK does not allow us to draw polyline over the map so we have seen one application that is doing a similar thing usi

How to deactivate the WatchConnectivity session?

I am using Apple's WatchConnectivity framework to develop an iOS app with a companion WatchOS app. On iOS side, after I open the app, I need to manually activat

How to style rows in SwiftUI List on WatchOS?

I'm working with SwiftUI and is trying to make a list of buttons with custom .buttonStyle inside a List view on WatchOS, but can't get it to work. Is this even

Which watchface uses CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicExtraLargeCircularView?

Is there a documentation/web page on which Apple Watch watch faces uses which complication types? I am trying to find which watch face uses CLKComplicationTempl

Multiple complications in watchos

I'm building complications for a nutrition tracking app. I'd like to use offer multiple smaller complications, so the user can track their nutrition. EG: 'MyA

SwiftUI VStack and Spacer not behaving according to docs

In a SwiftUI Apple Watch app, we need some text aligned in a vertical scroll view such that: if the content is small, it should be placed at the bottom of the s