Category "architecture"

I can't make two ec2 instance talk each other

My goal: I have two instance EC2, one is an API that is public and another is a microservice, which needs only to communicate with API. what I have tried so far

DDD - Repository interfaces in domain or application layer?

There are several posts on stackoverflow about this question, but I'm still not able to understand it fully. Different architectures like the layered architectu

Getting error line 132: ARCHS[@]: unbound variable

I have Xcode 13.2, App Deployment target 12.0, Swift version 4 Getting line 132: ARCHS[@]: unbound variable error while running in the real device. In the simul

Data cleaning before, during or after data ingestion?

I am building a self-contained data analytics project in Python. As the project needs to be scalable it requires a fairly solid pipeline of data processing and

Message bus and Message queue understanding

I would like to know if my understanding of Message Bus and Message Queue workings is correct. First thing first, I need to clear the naming, a service bus is

Message bus and Message queue understanding

I would like to know if my understanding of Message Bus and Message Queue workings is correct. First thing first, I need to clear the naming, a service bus is

DDD Application Layer and Persistence Transactions

Leaders in DDD cite the Application Layer as the appropriate place for Transaction Management. For example, from Vince Vaughn: Application Services reside in t

Multiple React apps in one shell

I have to develop React app architecture with one Main App (Shell) and multiple Child Apps inside. Requirements 1) Main App has to provide users authenticat

Dynamic Stage Routing / Multi-Cluster Setup with Fargate

I'm having a fargate cluster with a service having two containers: a container running nginx for terminating mTLS (it accepts a defined list of CAs) and forwar

Pluginable cross-platform software design for react & react native

I want to design a cross-platform (Android, iOS, and Web) plugin-able software that means everyone can easily develop a plugin for it and users can pick plugins

Namespace and assembly names when porting .NET code between platforms and technologies

I have a few (over 50) .NET Framework assemblies that I've developed over time. I've always followed the convention to name my assemblies after the root namespa

Offset pagination vs Cursor pagination

I am studying about pagination and I have some questions. What is the difference between two approches? Best use-case for a cursor based pagination? Can cursor

How to Represent System in UML?

We can use Subsystem element to show breakdown of systems in UML. And, we can group Components into Subsystems. But, is there a element to represent a system? S

How to Represent System in UML?

We can use Subsystem element to show breakdown of systems in UML. And, we can group Components into Subsystems. But, is there a element to represent a system? S

internal communication Microservices through API Gateway

In a microservice architecture, there is a common pattern called API Gateway. I know that all communication from outside the API Gateway is used as a single e

Using gRPC and/or GraphQL for microservice architecture

At my company we're about to set up a new microservice architecture, but we're still trying to decide which protocol would be best for our use case. In our case

Microservices: what are pros and cons?

What are pros and cons of using microservices in comparison with alternative architectures? Is there a rule of thumb when microservices should be used?

How to ignore classes in test class with ArchUnit

I wrote my first ArchUnit test: import static com.tngtech.archunit.library.dependencies.SlicesRuleDefinition.*; // more non-static imports @RunWith(ArchUnitRu

Why is AngularJS considered MV*

I have worked with MVC on the back-end (Rails), and am currently working with MVC(MV*) on the front-end (Angular). I have seen Angular as considered an MV* pat

Difference Between Cohesion and Coupling

What is the difference between cohesion and coupling? How can coupling and cohesion lead to either good or poor software design? What are some examples that o