I have this array: bool data[] = {{1,1,1,1},{0,0,0,0}}; And I need to convert it into bool data type like this: byte data = 11110000; Any ideas?
I'm trying this package usb_serial to communicate with my hardware devices like Arduino, Esp8266, Esp32, FTDI board, etc., Right now I'm using a board with a CH
I have created a code that takes temperature measurement data and saves it in a variable. Now I would like to save the data in a .txt file inside an SD card con
I've having trouble getting two-way communication with the basic LoRA TX-RX example on Adafruit's website: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-rfm69hcw-and-rfm9
I have a personal project based on file transfer between an Arduino Due and my PC. Theses files are in text format and can go over 10Mb. I firstly bought an SD
Recently I tried to use Arduino UNO with OV7670 camera and ST7789 display. Plan was to fill screen with camera content and with red color over camera bounds. Co
For my school project, i want to create a MacOS application that communicates with my Arduino using a serial connection. I tried 2 different library (SwiftSeria
I am new into flutter. Please help me find out why the android emulator isn't responding? I want to make an external camera (esp32-cam)as a client with a local
I am generating random data on an Arduino that stays connected to my computer and I would like to transfer this data to a local database on my computer or to a
When I power my Arduino it only lights up the 2-5 and leds and skips the 1st and the 6th led. I tried seeing what's the problem by giving a check on the value o
On a generic Arduino (ATMEGA386P) -based application, I need Timer 0's overflow interrupt (normally goes to TIMER0_OVF_vect) to point to my own code, not the ex
I am working on a project where I read out an MCP3008 ADC and an MCP4901 DAC. Both use SPI to communicate with the arduino. For a few seconds everything is fine
Arduino users, help pls! Hi guys! For example, I have a JSON document for parsing ArduinoJson: { "id": [ 1, 7, 32, 9656 ] } I need to save
currently this is my setup, python in PyCharm, and an Arduino Uno with MAX30100 sensor for heart rate. I am currently able to transmit data via pyserial into my
I have several micro controller projects for home automation. Each of my nodes have a version number which is manually set in the code. This version number is r
I would like to learn how interrupt works with AVR. I have built up a simple button and LED circuit. It works with the interrupt Arduino library, but does not w
So, I am a curious person. And been tinkling with NVS in ESP32 WROOM 32D for storage. What I did was simply write a formatting code to wipeout a few addresses i
Okay, so I'm trying to code & upload to an Arduino with VS Code (Visual Studio Code). When I try to upload or verify my Arduino code, this error pops up: I
I am trying to know whether the lights have tripped using a light sensor to detect light intensity. However, i do not know how to upload my data onto blynk, as
I have used SdFat before, but it seems to have changed and I can't find documentation that I understand, and fewer examples... I have an Arduino project in whic