Category "arduino-ide"

Issues Flashing STM32F401CC with CubeProgrammer DFU

I'm trying to do a DFU program upload via Arduino for an STM32F401CC. I'm using CubeProgrammer to upload the compiled bin and verify the contents of the STM32's

Error when implement an nodemcu 8266 with DHT22

I implemented a nodemcu 8266 as a api rest server with a temperature sensor (DHT22) in a Mac with macOS Monterey, when I read the temperature and humidity in a

MPU-9250 sample rate lower than the one selected in register map

I'm using Arduino UNO and I2C protocol to read data from MPU 9250 in arduino IDE. But the sampling rate is lower than the one I selected, indeed, I try to use 1

My esp32 gives random reading in the serial monitor

Iam using ESP32 with 4 type of sensors and external power supply to send the data to ThinkSpeak cloud. the Device was work noromally for cuble of months after t

After wiping out EEPROM with NULL, it later shows NBSP(255) instead of NULL(0)

So, I am a curious person. And been tinkling with NVS in ESP32 WROOM 32D for storage. What I did was simply write a formatting code to wipeout a few addresses i

avrdude: ser_open(): can't set com-state for "\\.\COM3"

I've seen other posts with the same error message, but couldn't find any solution that works for me. I'm using windows 10. I've done all the required steps, but

Environment Variables in Arduino IDE?

How to create and access the environment variables in Arduino IDE? In my case, I want to connect the AWS IoT MQTT endpoint but am worried to save the certificat

Raspberry Pi Pico locks up when I try to use interrupts

I'm trying to use encoders to track the movement of three wheels on a robot, but as soon as any of the motors move the robot "locks up", it stops responding to

Controlling relays through webserver with an arduino and ethernet shield but can't add more than four buttons, HTML page doesn't load

I have a software problem, I'm controlling relays through ethernet shield and arduino. I got a code from the net which works great and i can control the relays

Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out

I am running Debian 7 (Linux Crunchbang) and wanted to use The Arduino IDE to program my Arduino UNO. To do that I installed the package arduino. When I started

Putting C++ string in HTML code to show value on webserver

I've set up a webserver running on ESP8266 thats currently hosting 7 sites. The sites is written in plain HTML in each diffrent tab in the arduino ide. I have i