Category "arduino"

How to initialize OutputStream

I am developing an app that controls arduino with bluetooth , everything was working fine with the app , I am able to connect with the arduino bluetooth bridge

Is this weighing cell arduino compatible?

I've purchased a TE FX29 weighing cell pdf link. It comes in three different (output) versions: mV, amplified and serial (I2C) -- I've bought the amplified vers

Arduino 2 Flow sensors for Kegerator

Good Afternoon all. While working humbly on my kegerator I have come to a cross road where I must run interrupts when each keg tap is poured. Thank you to the l

flow sensor with arduino

I am using the following code to read the flow through the sensor. When I plugged in my sensor to port 2, everything worked fine. But when I changed this to bi

Arduino SD -> File extension

I found this example to list all files on the SD Card: void printDirectory(File dir, int numTabs) { while(true) { File entry = dir.openNextFile(); if (!

Flex lexer modifying constant in output .lex.c file

I'm working with flex to generate custom language. I'm wondering if there is a possibility to add in some way a setting that will change a part of generated .le

Move object creation to setup() function of arduino

I've created a class that handles sending data to a led matrix (max7219). This is what I was doing to create an instance of the LedControl class. LedControl l


I have the following error message occuring on the arduino IDE, Arduino: 1.8.15 (Windows 10), Board: "NodeMCU-32S, 40MHz, 921600, None" In file included fr

MPU6050 output yaw pitch and roll with Arduino

I'm trying to read yaw, pitch and roll with MPU6050 and Arduino, but I always get overflow, if I use the function yprx() in the loop without waiting for any inp

Controlling relays through webserver with an arduino and ethernet shield but can't add more than four buttons, HTML page doesn't load

I have a software problem, I'm controlling relays through ethernet shield and arduino. I got a code from the net which works great and i can control the relays

Clearing Arduino's serial buffer

i have a simple arduino code: void loop() { if serial.available { c =; if (c == 'a') { blinkled(); } else off

Kalman filtering algorithm for indoor positioning system [closed]

I am using a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for indoor positioning system by its RSSI and trilateration algorithm. The problem is how to find an

Control ESP32 via Flutter BLE

I am using this library ( to control my ESP32 (Arduino). I have two buttons that work perfectly, one to turn off t

Define data type of enum in C for memory

I could not find a direct answer to this but is it possible to force a certain kind of data type for an enum in C ? e.g I have an enum for a state machine that

Arduino LCD Not displaying?

So I just wanted to mess around with my arduino LCD display (May I add it came with the kit from arduino...) Basically all the wiring is fine, and is done as t

How do I invoke a C++ Arduino library from rust?

It has been possible to build apps for Arduino and Teensy written in Rust for a while. You can find lists of peripheral libraries (

Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out

I am running Debian 7 (Linux Crunchbang) and wanted to use The Arduino IDE to program my Arduino UNO. To do that I installed the package arduino. When I started

Visual Studio Code IntelliSense for Arduino and DxCore

Has anyone here gotten IntelliSense to work relatively flawlessly in Visual Studio Code for Arduino with DxCore projects? I've gotten most of the way, but still