Category "arguments"

random number generating function as argument in python

I want to pass a function which generates random normal numbers to another function, do some calculations and pass again the random function x times. At the end

Processing arguments for subprocesses using argparse: "Expected one argument"

First of all, I am sorry about the title that does not give a perfect idea of what my problem is, I kinda struggled with it, so I am going to illustrate it more

What is function designator and actual call?

According to C99 Standard: The order of evaluation of the function designator, the actual arguments, and subexpressions within the actual arguments is unspe

How to pass arguments to program when using variable as path

I'm trying to start a program in a Start-job scriptblock using a variable for the path. Here is the line: $using:plinkdir\plink.exe -telnet $using:ip -P $using:

c++ Best practise when passing in arguments to functions [closed]

So I have read a lot of things about people saying const & is always good as it eliminates copying, and passing by value is a bad idea. Th

Run a while-loop as subprocess in background

Unhappily my last post was marked as duplicate and my problem wasn't solved. So I've to phrase it a little bit different. Below you can see my main-file(SP_Tes

Mixed named and unnamed parameters in JavaScript?

For a function with an intuitive first argument (e.g. a find semantic) I'd like to provide a way to write a function call without argument names while more comp

flutter passing multiple data with getx

I want to Pass multiple data from one screen to another screen with Get package., arguments: ["First data", "Second data"]);

getopts & preventing accidentally interpreting short options as arguments

Here's a toy example that shows what I mean: while getopts "sf:e:" opt; foundOpts="${foundOpts}${opt}" ; done echo $foundOpts problem is that getopts isn't par

Can I save a function's arguments in Matlab to reuse in another function?

I am using the topoplot function in Matlab as follows: topoplot(DATA, channels, ... 'maplimits', topoYlim, 'electrodes', 'on', 'emarker', {'.','k',[6],1},

Can I save a function's arguments in Matlab to reuse in another function?

I am using the topoplot function in Matlab as follows: topoplot(DATA, channels, ... 'maplimits', topoYlim, 'electrodes', 'on', 'emarker', {'.','k',[6],1},

How do I accept a string as an argument? ( rewrite)

I am trying to make a command that accepts a string as a positional argument. How do I accept a string from a Discord message (and, by extension, boo

How do I accept a string as an argument? ( rewrite)

I am trying to make a command that accepts a string as a positional argument. How do I accept a string from a Discord message (and, by extension, boo

How can I resolve "The argument type 'String' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'int' " - Flutter

I'm trying to fetch data Online Using HTTP GET with Flutter SDK. I'm trying with this code

can I pass java vm args i.e. -xms and -xmx through a property file to my java program

Can anybody help me in following problem: if I am specifying java args while running my program through java command then if I check my java process using ps -e

How to call a php file with arguments from VBA for Mac? Equivalent of VBA.createObject("") on Mac?

Still in need of help :) I'm trying to adapt the following chunk of code to VBA for Mac (as the final implementation has to be on Mac): Dim ws as Object Dim res

How would you use .reduce() on arguments instead of a specific array or object?

I want to define a function .flatten that flattens several elements into one single array. I know that the following is not possible, but essentially I would li

how do basic jquery ajax in typo3 flow?

I am trying to do some very basic ajax. I just want an onchange event on a select that will call an ajax function that will get the options for another select

How to pass arguments to a Button command in Tkinter?

Suppose I have the following Button made with Tkinter in Python: import Tkinter as Tk win = Tk.Toplevel() frame = Tk.Frame(master=win).grid(row=1, column=1) bu

kivy: How to pass arguments to a Widget Class

I want to create a UI passing an argument to a part of my interface. I know that, in this example, I could just put the label text as a variable and change it f