Category "arm"

Can't run Gatsby develop on existing project on Mac M1

When running Gatsby develop on a project, it doesn't run. This is everything I get: (not very verbose) my-project [master●] % gatsby develop success open

Raspberry pi 64 bit Os showing Unable to locate package libjasper-dev. how to fix this?

I am using a raspberry pi 4. And I installed a 64-bit (not 32-bit) Raspberry Pi OS. When I tried to install libjasper-dev using the command 'sudo apt-get instal

DCDO and FRAME PUSH instruction in Gnu GCC assembler syntax

I am importing arm asm assembly code to GNU assembler and not able to find the instruction for DCDO and FRAME PUSH that are used in keil(arm asm).

Does the the 'linux' version of arm gcc compiler support -cpu=cortex-m4?

I am using aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc for compiling the applications on my Ubuntu 20.04. It has support for cortex-a and few other processor cores. But not on c

How to check the Cortex-M4 VTOR register with gdb command?

(I am learning about ARM debugging so this may be a dumb question.) I checked the ARMv7-M Arch Ref Manual. It says the reset vector offset is stored in the VTOR

How can I call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter

I want to call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter when launch debugger after installing cortex-debug. How can I do in launch.json or setting.json, thanks for y

How can I call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter

I want to call arm-none-eabi-gdb with -x parameter when launch debugger after installing cortex-debug. How can I do in launch.json or setting.json, thanks for y

How does ARM64EC Code get executed on ARM?

Im currently trying to understand how Windows on ARM works. Im having trouble understanding how the ARM64EC ABI can work on an ARM chip. Microsoft says the ARM6

How to port FreeRTOS to a core without an interrupt controller

I am working on a project which involves porting FreeRTOS to a custom SoC. This SoC features a Cortex R5 core together with an FPGA fabric. Unfortunately, the R

application using lttng compile errors with aarch64-xilinx-linux-g++

I am trying to porting lttng on xilinx mpsoc with linux OS, I have write a demo as same as lttng "Record user application events", it runs on Ubuntu perfectly g

application compatibility on ARM for Windows

I am testing application compatibility on ARM for Windows. I have 4 applications built by VisualStudio 2017 for following platforms: ARM32, ARM64, Win32, x64. A

Code for increasing clock speed of STM32F401 not working

I was trying to increase the clock speed of STM32F401 to 84Mhz using PLL. I tried for log time. But the code is not working. Can anyone check what needs to be d

Can ETL be used with Atmel Studio?

The Embedded Template Library provides the data structures of the STL without using dynamic allocation, to be used in embedded development. I'm experimenting wi

LDUR and STUR in ARM v8

I've had a couple of courses that touched on ARMv8 assembly, but both teachers described LDUR/STUR instructions a different way and now I've become pretty lost.

Is there any way to break the limit of openCL memory in android?

I want to allocate 4.5GB to my openCL program in android phone wiht 8GB memory. But I found the memory size from CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE is much lower than th

Is there any way to break the limit of openCL memory in android?

I want to allocate 4.5GB to my openCL program in android phone wiht 8GB memory. But I found the memory size from CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE is much lower than th

Cortex-M0+ not responding to PendSV

I'm running on a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040, Cortex-M0+ core, debugging via VSCode cortex-debug using JLink SWD), and I'm seeing strange behaviour regarding Pend

Cross Compile zlib for ARM

I try cross compile zlib for arm-poky-linux-gnueabi but I've an error when I launch make : ...:~/zlib-1.2.11$ AR=$HOST-ar CC=$HOST-gcc RANLIB=$HOST-ranlib ./co

Cross Compile zlib for ARM

I try cross compile zlib for arm-poky-linux-gnueabi but I've an error when I launch make : ...:~/zlib-1.2.11$ AR=$HOST-ar CC=$HOST-gcc RANLIB=$HOST-ranlib ./co

How to fix STM32CubeProgrammer No STM32 Target Found

Hello guys Any one here faced this problem before ? After I run my code into my stm32f446re I couldn't upload any code after my last code and give me this erro