I have to take inputs from the command line and assign them to a 2X2 array. Input = 1 2 3 4 (from cmd line) output = 1 2 3 4 int a[][] = new int[
I'm having a trouble in my project, at first I made one linked list and it worked properly but then I had to edit it and make it an array of linked list, but it
I am trying handle below code and its showing enter image description here const toArray = props => (props && props.split ? props.split(',') :
Link to Codewars challenge This is very basic, but for some reason, I can't figure out why I'm not able to return null when there are not any non-consecutive n
class Solution { char[] make(String s){ Stack<Character> st= new Stack<Character>(); for(char c:s.toCharArray()){ if
I've just started my first little project in C# and with WinForms and I am stuck on this one feature for a few days now.. I have an Array with about 60 PictureB
I'm trying to create a program which the user inputs the number of items (rows) and give each one of them a name (scanf) with the max of 30 characters. I want t
I have the following problem. In widgetFilters array (length===3) i want to show the numbers of selected items in the header of the Filter. const [selectedFil
I'm looking to output the number of duplicates for each int in an array e.g. the array 1,2,3,4,1,1,3 would output 1:3, 2:1, 3:2, 4:1. at the moment no matter ho
So my goal is to join two Arrays together and insert the new size of the new array in the beginning of the array.
I can't understand why the output is 17 its only returning the true values not the false values either that the false value are boolean also function countSheep
I'm trying to use optional chaining with an array instead of an object but not sure how to do that: Here's what I'm trying to do myArray.filter(x => x.testKe
I need help, I got stuck on objects with multiple nested arrays. I have a json file which consists of object, that holds array of objects, and these objects hav
How do I reverse each uppercase and lowercase ("I am A Great human") to ("I ma A Taerg namuh")? This is the code I Have: function wordsReverse(str) { let wo
I would like to create a new numpy array by repeating each item in another array by a given number of times (n). I am currently doing this with a for loop and .
I am creating array of Promises of type [MSGraphScheduleInformation?]. I want to limit the array count to 4, but the repeating param in the API is throwing erro
I'm having trouble either declaring or using a boolean array in Typescript, not sure which is wrong. I get an undefined error. Am I supposed to use JavaScript s
I am using MariaDB version 10.2 I have an array of GUIDs stored as JSON in a table and I want to select rows from another table where the ID matches any of the
Here is the scenario: I have an array, AllElements of structure ElementSet, and inside of that structure - is a set of myElement structures and also an array of
I have a table with a column with type double precision[] created like this: from sqlalchemy import Column, String, ARRAY mytablename= 'mytable' class creat