Category "ascii"

Pyfiglet/Python - Print Pyfiglet ASCII in one line

This is my code to print "x t e k k y" whit a cool ASCII font using pyfiglet, but the output always displays in 2 lines, whith gives a bad aestethic, is there a

How to convert list of Hex values into Ascii string in python?

I have a list of Hex value variables in my python code. I need to convert into ASCII string. Can someone please suggest to me, how to convert it? HexList = [

How to convert fancy/artistic unicode text to ASCII?

I have a unicode string like "𝖙𝖍𝖚𝖌 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊" and would like to convert it to the ASCII form "thug li

How do text-editors recognize if the user wanted to type a number or the ascii value associated with it?

According to my current understanding:- All binary values are treated as equal by the system, and it is the task of the software (or the app) to interpret a bin

ASCII value = 0 and '\0'

I have read this post. But when I tried: printf("before null %c after null\n", 0); // (ASCII=0) != '\0' ?? instead of getting: before null I got: bef

Which is the correct encoding for a degree character?

I have a line of code that alters text temperature<-as.numeric(gsub("°.*","",temp)) R does not like the "°" character. When I save the file it says

What's the difference between ASCII and Unicode?

What's the exact difference between Unicode and ASCII? ASCII has a total of 128 characters (256 in the extended set). Is there any size specification for Unic