Category ""

RedirecToAction doesnt call the expected view

I have successfully created a product but the page doesn't redirects to the view I want...and I don't really know why... [HttpPost] public async Task AddProduct

ASP.NET Core MVC. Implementation of the IDataProtectionKeyContext interface

There is a data context: public class OurDbContext : DbContext, IOurDbContext, IDataProtectionKeyContext { public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set

Display Multiple Tables In A Single View In ASP.NET Core MVC

I'm working on building a website in ASP.NET Core MVC (the latest version). I have Animals table and Categories table,looking like this: On my AdminController

Read action parameters from JSON properties

How can I get the parameters of an ASP.NET Core MVC controller action from the properties of a JSON object that was sent in the HTTP request body? If the reques

how to send array to API which contains image and other data in .net core

When I am passing a single object like below then it is working as per below image [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromForm] MyModel Deta

Use the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute with JSON POST data

Some of my controller methods have the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute for the usual reasons. It's only app-internal actions, no cross-site API or similar.

Async Method returns 404

I got the following problem. in my Controller, this method is supposed to return a JSON with the pets from the database. but is being called, the server returns

submit large form data with post action return 400 error in .NET 6

I'm using .NET 6 to post a form with large form data (about 200Mb), and there is no any file. this's kind of my form in front-end: @using (Html.BeginForm(FormMe

Adding dynamically a DbSet<TEntity> in DbContext class

Is there a way to add DbSet<TEntity> Property in DbContext class at runtime without passing through OnModelCreating ?

What does it mean when saying "passing in something" in the following?| ASP.NET Core

I was reading a book about Learning ASP.NET Core API when I run to a part saying: We call GetCommandByID on our repository passing in the Id from our route, st

ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC: setting IgnoreNullValues to true in Startup still renders NULL properties

I have an ASP.NET Core 3.1 project. I am using .AddJsonOptions() in startup with and setting IgnoreNullValues to true. I've created a simple test, and it still

ASP.NET Core 3.1 MVC JWT Login return 401

I have a problem , jwt authentication return 401 Error. Token was created but always return 401 error. I used layered architecture. I tried many things on start

How do I get the userId to save in the database while submitting the form?

I'm a beginner and well i'm doing a form which is capable to send information to the database but I needed one more thing to be sent and it is the Id from the u

What causes a partial view to not run controller actions

I have no idea what happened but suddenly the CRUD operations in my simple app no longer work. Clicking on the create button in my partial view, instead of runn

.NET Core 3.1 CreateHostBuilder Cannot parse JSON file

I am experiencing an error when trying to run my ASP.Net Core 3.1 project. The error is at CreateHostBuilder within Program.cs public class Program {

Cannot find reference assembly 'System.Reflection.Primitives.dll' file for package System.Reflection.Primitives

We have hosted a ASP.NET Core v3.1 Website in IIS. But when I try to view the page getting internal server error. This issue only occurs in the specific machine

ASP.NET Core MVC - posting to a different action name does not bind the values

I'm using a regular html form instead of @html.BeginForm and I have these 2 form tags in my Create.cshtml view file. I was experimenting with routing, but my po

The corresponding CLR type for entity type 'Employee' is not instantiable

My error: The corresponding CLR type for entity type 'Employee' is not instantiable and there is no derived entity type in the model that corresponds to a conc

Cannot connect to SQL Server Browser. Ensure SQL Server Browser has been started

I'm trying to connect my ASP.NET Core MVC application to SQL Server. I'm using the Visual Studio for mac. I wrote the connection string like below : "Connect

Can't access User Secrets in core 3.0

My question is simple. I have an core 3.0 app, I added secrets using visualstudio and pasted my secrets into the secret file normally. Then inside my P