I've been writing some x64 assembly on linux - exactly what it is is not relevant - and I've come across a strange problem. In my assembly code, I've declared p
What exactly is Program Segment Prefix (PSP)? I searched in Google but couldn't find any clean and straight answers to help me completely understand it. What d
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <chrono> #include <memory> #include <cstdlib> #include <
I downloaded a modification for a 20+ year old game I play, which is written in assembly code. It adds a fog effect, and then varies the grip levels based on th
Our internal program is written in C and makes extensive use of snprintf() for many pieces, and I noticed that during debugging with perf record/report, it's sp
I'm taking a course on computer structure and I'm lost. I was given the following file: Hello.s: #This is a simple "Hello World!" program .section .rodat
I was reading this article " assembly-challenge-jump-to-a-non-relative-address-without-using-registers ". I need to do exactly what he suggests here (Jump to a
Hi all i am converting my C code to MIPS but problem is here i couldn't make correct logic for this for (int i=0;i<count;i++) { h[a[i]]++; } as
When studying assembler at the university, I encountered the following problem: I have 3 files (all of them oversimplified, they were much bigger): main.asm .58
I'm developing a microkernel for my personal research. I have chosen to run my kernel at 0xf0000000, leaving 3.75 GiB for user space programs. When my kernel st
I try to call my function just like the example code: use std::arch::asm; extern "C" fn foo(arg: i32) -> i32 { println!("arg = {}", arg); arg * 2 }
I couldn't find much information or specification that suits me, so I have no choice but to ask here. When we call some function with the call instruction and t
as a task I have to find the maximum number in the RAM locations 10 to 20 and we have to write the solution into RAM[0]. I have a big problem with getting the i
I have a simple C++ program that calls some NASM code: main.cpp: #include <iostream> extern "C" int foo(); int main() { std::cout << "The result
I'm creating an application to view the current time and I created a loop to update the time each second. The loop looks like this UPDATE: ;The code to be re-
How to fix this one: I don't know why both the quotient and the remainder are wrong. My DOSBox Code: .model small .stack 100h .data Dividend db 0dh,0ah,
So I've been practicing to write simple subroutines in FASMW using the CDECL and STDCALL calling conventions and it got me wondering about what the printf funct
I try to put on stack the values contained by array_output but every time I print the values from the stack it prints just 0s. If I try to print the array simpl
I am creating a communication between a client and a server via tcp/ip socket. I am developing the client in ASM (FASM) and I cannot connect to the server. The
I'm writing two assembly files for DOS: hm2.asm: .8086 DGROUP group _DATA, STACK ; Required by MASM 3.0 and 4.0. ; MASM 4.0 doesn't support USE16 (but MASM