I'm facing some trouble after some month only on Javascript/Typescript. For example, let see this snippet: @Test public void testAsync(){ Completabl
Let me just post a simple example: private void MyMethod() { Task task = MyAsyncMethod(); task.Wait(); } private async Task My
I'm rather new to JAVA and have a problem similar to the one mentioned below, where I want to add elements to an array via async processing. However, the return
Task <Task pending name='Task-11' coro=<Queue.get() running at C:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\asyncio\queues.py:166> cb=[_release_waiter(<Futu
My understanding of how asynchronous tasks are scheduled in JS Please do correct me if I'm wrong about anything: The JS runtime engine agents are driven by an e
using (DiscordWebhookClient client = new DiscordWebhookClient(WEBHOOK_URL)) { ulong z = 42342340290226; client.ModifyMessageAsync(z);//Not sure how I wo
I am trying to call a function which will retrieve data from a storage object. I need to do this and assign the returned storage value before the next function
I am currently trying to import an (selfwritten) async function in python, but the compiler gives me an error message. See the minimalistic example below (yes I
I have a list of tasks and all these tasks need to be executed only after all the dependencies are resolved for each task. I am struggling to figure out a way t
I want to receive new messages from Telegram via a python script. I filter the message and then put out the result. But there is something wrong with the loop s
I'm trying to upload images to firebase and get the download Url and save the url in the firestore in the database. The code was working until I modified it to
I'm new to coroutines in python but I know in lua you would do this to create one coroutine.wrap(function() while true do end end)() But I dont know how I wo
I've been trying to create a Discord self bot which posts a message in a specific channel based off a button input on another program. But I receive this error:
I am looking for a way to efficiently fetch a chunk of values from disk, and then perform computation/calculations on the chunk. My thought was a for loop that
I had this idea for a new chrome extension: It should create a linking QR code for the currently open website, displayed in the popup.html which can be easily s
Basically i have an timer, lets say the timer starts at 60 seconds and goes to 0 when it reaches 0 it makes an api call and the timer restarts, the issue im hav
I'm trying to make a Blind-test bot game in Python, which actually works pretty fine. I managed to get a whole spotify playlist in the queue with that play_next
In the following code, the 'Hey, timeout executed!' is only printed after the loop in the longLoop function is finished. setTimeout(() => console.log('Hey, t
I have the following code: std::queue< nlohmann::json > outgoingMessages; void session::do_write( void ) { if ( outgoingMessages.size() > 0 ) {
I have been searching for long to know the best approach to listen to internet connection in flutter/dart app. I think this approach is better for now and it ca