Category "asynchronous"

Add to list elements Async in Java

I'm rather new to JAVA and have a problem similar to the one mentioned below, where I want to add elements to an array via async processing. However, the return

future got attached to different loop

Task <Task pending name='Task-11' coro=<Queue.get() running at C:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\asyncio\> cb=[_release_waiter(<Futu

What was the motivation for introducing a separate microtask queue which the event loop prioritises over the task queue?

My understanding of how asynchronous tasks are scheduled in JS Please do correct me if I'm wrong about anything: The JS runtime engine agents are driven by an e

Modifying WebHook Message With Discord.Net c#

using (DiscordWebhookClient client = new DiscordWebhookClient(WEBHOOK_URL)) { ulong z = 42342340290226; client.ModifyMessageAsync(z);//Not sure how I wo

Control of flow in Typescript

I am trying to call a function which will retrieve data from a storage object. I need to do this and assign the returned storage value before the next function

Can not import async function from module in python

I am currently trying to import an (selfwritten) async function in python, but the compiler gives me an error message. See the minimalistic example below (yes I

Task Runner in Javascript

I have a list of tasks and all these tasks need to be executed only after all the dependencies are resolved for each task. I am struggling to figure out a way t

Telegram Message Listener - RuntimeError: Event Loop is closed

I want to receive new messages from Telegram via a python script. I filter the message and then put out the result. But there is something wrong with the loop s

wait for function execution before executing next instruction

I'm trying to upload images to firebase and get the download Url and save the url in the firestore in the database. The code was working until I modified it to

How would I run a while loop on a separate thread in Python?

I'm new to coroutines in python but I know in lua you would do this to create one coroutine.wrap(function() while true do end end)() But I dont know how I wo

"'Command.__call__' was never awaited" when trying to execute Discord bot command on Tkinter button click

I've been trying to create a Discord self bot which posts a message in a specific channel based off a button input on another program. But I receive this error:

Python Asyncio/Trio for Asynchronous Computing/Fetching

I am looking for a way to efficiently fetch a chunk of values from disk, and then perform computation/calculations on the chunk. My thought was a for loop that

Problems with asynchronous calls in chrome extension

I had this idea for a new chrome extension: It should create a linking QR code for the currently open website, displayed in the popup.html which can be easily s

is it possible to await for a promise response using setInterval?

Basically i have an timer, lets say the timer starts at 60 seconds and goes to 0 when it reaches 0 it makes an api call and the timer restarts, the issue im hav

Discord Python bot - Coroutine never awaited

I'm trying to make a Blind-test bot game in Python, which actually works pretty fine. I managed to get a whole spotify playlist in the queue with that play_next

How does an async function called with await can block the event loop?

In the following code, the 'Hey, timeout executed!' is only printed after the loop in the longLoop function is finished. setTimeout(() => console.log('Hey, t

Boost Beast async_write() With Queue

I have the following code: std::queue< nlohmann::json > outgoingMessages; void session::do_write( void ) { if ( outgoingMessages.size() > 0 ) {

Check or listen continuously to internet connection/Network Connectivity in dart, flutter app

I have been searching for long to know the best approach to listen to internet connection in flutter/dart app. I think this approach is better for now and it ca

Is it safe to use mutable let bindings inside task CEs or async CEs?

When you think you know, you don't know, is what went through my head earlier today. While going over someone's code I noticed something similar to: task {

How to write an asynchronous Policy handler, injecting a scoped service

I'm trying to write a custom policy for an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web application, using a custom Identity storage provider. I've tried to wrap my head around the fa