Category "audio"

Is there a way to list all active sound profiles without using pulseaudio?

I know that by using pactl list sinks, we can get all ACTIVE sound sinks. However, because I am running an application inside a docker container. Using pulseaud

Merge one audio file and one image file to create a video with ffmpeg

I first tried: ffmpeg -y -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -c:a copy output.mp4 but when I uploaded to video sharing websites (, it says "no video track",

Playing an MP3 file using Python

I'm working on a project to convert texts into audio as in the following code. It is working fine, but I want to play the MP3 file without opening media player.

Stream Audio via WebSocket - Web Audio

I'm so close to getting audio chat working via Websockets. The idea of this application I'm building is to have a group voice chat working in browser. I'm using

how to duplicate audio channel in stereo audio in video with ffmpeg

I just got a lot of video files. They all have stereo audio track - left channel and right channel. But actually, the right channel is blank, is empty. When you

angular audio play on ngoninit not working

html code: <audio id="notification" src="../assets/audio/notification.mp3" autoplay="true" muted="muted"></audio> ts code: let audioPlayer = <H

How to fix an extensive echoing while recording audio using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia?

So, I am working on a small electron desktop app that captures desktop screen and records video and audio. When I am trying to add audio to the stream it starts

VBA Run two Commands at once together Beep Command

I have made a program that generates frequencies using the Beep statement. For example: Beep(Val(FreqTestTxt.Text), Val(DurLbl.Text) * 1000) What I need to do t

Music player playlist logic

I'm creating a small music player web app, everything works fine, I have a problem: I want to create a playlist for it too and I'm kind of beginner in JS and I

Beginner: Python sound modules not working (Circular Import)

After installation of playsound and simpleaudio modules to try simple commands in order to play some audio files I always get the following message. playsound:

Generate colors of noise in Python

I would like to use Python to generate different colors of noise, just like Wikipedia mentions : For example, Whi

How to show waves while record an audio using flutter sound

i am using flutter_sound_lite package to record users voices and i am trying to show the waves while user is recording but couldn't do that i need something sim

python specific frequency remove(notch filter)?

#complie by python3 import pyaudio import numpy as np import wave import time import math #from pydub import AudioSegment #from pydub.playback imp

Audio stream size is inaccurate when encode the audio

Audio stream size is inaccurate when encode the audio. basically it's coping the original file audio information. i found someone gave answer here: https://stac

Audio resampling layer for tensorflow

It is required to resample audio signals within a custom model structure. This resampling task is not a kind of pre/post-processing operation that can be develo

Using a 2d kernel on 1d input in a convolutional network

I am trying to create a TasNet model, which is an audio separation network from the original paper. In section 2.2.1 they discuss how the encoder is going to ha

PyAudio Recording and Playing Back in Real Time

I am trying to record audio from the microphone and then play that audio through the speakers. Eventually I want to modify the audio before playing it back, but

How to get the length of the sum of audio files using sox?

I have a script such as following DIR=$1 ls $1 |sort -R |tail -$5 |while read file; do soxi -d $1$file done and it gives me an output like 00:40:35.18 00:4

How to dynamically change self variables, parameters, args... in multiprocessing?

I don't know much of Python yet, but I'm trying to create an app that controls multiple streams of sound simultaneously (It has to do with binaural beats, noise

Linking CSS doesn't work

So my CSS doesn't work for some reason. I have searched online and cannot find a problem with it but the CSS is not connecting to the HTML. Here is my code: