Category "augmented-reality"

Place multiple SCN objects in touchesBegan method

My Swift code below uses func touchesBegan to place a SCN object in the ARKit view. The problem is – it's only placing the object one time. I would like t

RealityKit – Text mesh resource performance warning

I have an object in RealityKit that I hover some text over. I make the text using the built in static function on MeshResource like this. let textMesh = MeshRes

Why is the file size of a .reality file so much larger than .usdz?

I am using Apple's new Reality Composer application to attach an image anchor to my .USDZ. My USDZ file is +/- 5MB when imported to Reality Composer and the re

Load glTF model into RealityKit scene?

I'd like to load a glTF file generated by another program into RealityKit. I get the impression that the only way to load models into RealityKit is via USD or R

When I try to run "xcrun usdz_convert" I get an error

I updated to macOS Catalina 10.15 and Xcode 11.0. Now this command is not running now: xcrun usdz_convert I get this error even though I've updated both $PAT

RealityKit – How to add a Video Material to a ModelEntity?

I use the code to add a picture texture in RealityKit and it works fine. var material = SimpleMaterial() material.baseColor = try! .texture(.load(named: "ima

I want to create AR app in UNITY the uses GPS, but the sensor is jumpy

On one hand i have the image-based AR that Unity provides me, which is amazing in making things seem as if they are actually around my in the real world. Proble

Occlusion Material or Hold-Out Shader in ARKit and SceneKit

I have seen some examples demo of ARKit where material A is blocking material B, kind of creating occlusion effect, or black hole, or masking. But all of them s

ARKit how position nodes base on horizon and not the camera orientation?

When I add a new node with ARKit (ARSKView), the object is positioned base on the device camera. So if your phone is facing down or tilted, the object will be i

location-based Ar: position is not accurate

I'm using ar.js/a-farme to put GPS entities My problem is that the position of the entities is not accurate and it is moving with me (not stable). even that the

How to load animations made in Blender to ARKit?

I made a 3D object in Blender and made some custom animation to it. However, I manage to load the object to the scene, but not the animation. This is what it

AR Object is moving with the camera in unity

i create a GameObject in unity where my GPS is,and setting the unity camera with the GPS after I convert it to xyz here is my problem: when I move the android d

RealityKit – Getting runtime warning when placing a model in ARView

I get the following warning during runtime when I tap to load the model in ARView: Warning (secondary thread): in AppendProperty at line 859 of sdf/path.cpp --

ARCore – Session, Frame, Camera and Pose

I'm studying the ARCore References, Develop, make the course from Coursera, and read, understood and learn from the Samples. But I still missing some definitio

How to use environment map in ARKit?

ARKit 2.0 added a new class named AREnvironmentProbeAnchor. Reading it's instructions, it seems that ARKit can automatically collect environment texture (cubema

Android app with WebView of AR ( Augmented Reality ) Website Android Studio + kotlin

I have android application which contains a webview of one website with AR facility. But I am facing an issue that normal webview of android doesn't allow to op

Adding 3D object to ARGeoAnchor

Please forgive me if this question is not that great. I've hit a bit of a road block on Apple's documentation of ARGeoAnchor. Currently ARGeoAnchor just shows a

Creating augmented reality using Python, OpenCV and SLAM

I was wondering if I could build an augmented reality system in Python using OpenCV and SLAM. If so, do you have any tutorials or documentation that you could r

Google Sceneform – Is it deprecated? Any replacement? [closed]

I use in my ARCore project Sceneform. It seems that this project is now mentioned as Archived by Google. More info we can find here or on this

Stereo ARSCNview to make VR and AR mix

I want to make a mix of virtual reality and augmented reality. The goal is I have a stereo camera (for each eyes). I tried to put two ARSCNView in a viewCotnro