Category "authorization"

ASP.NET 5 Authorize against two or more policies (OR-combined policy)

Is it possible to apply authorization against two or more policies? I am using ASP.NET 5, rc1. [Authorize(Policy = "Limited,Full")] public class FooBarControll

nestjs return undefined in Public Guards

I follow this link I went ahead and create a public guard But it does not recogni authorization using python requests

I'm trying to login to Everything works fine in browser, but it shows the webpage "Under maintenance" using python. Can someone t

Set default header for every fetch() request

Is it possible, using the fetch API, to set default headers for every single request? What I want to do is set an Authorization header whenever there is a json

Is there a way to Redirect in AuthorizationHandler in .Net 5?

I would like to redirect to an action in my AuthorizationFilter if it fails certain checks. The reason why I want to redirect instead of sending user to "Access

Https twice on my redirect_uri shopify when trying to authorize my application

I am facing an common Shopify OATH authorization error, red every topic on that and still not resolved it. I have an oauth error invalid_request: The redirect_u

Does an OAuth Consumer validate a bearer token with the OAuth provider on each request

To learn more about OAuth, I'm trying to write an OAuth 2.0 provider and also a consumer. I'm kind of using the Doorkeeper Gem as a reference for my provider, b

Subscription-scope authorization for Azure Resource Manager API user

Trying to put together an Azure ARM integration, where my code uses the Azure API to retrieve the full list of VMs in the entire subscription. Went successfull

How to set token in authorization header in flutter Dio post request

I want to set a token in the authorization header on my post request using Dio. I have tried to set the header using two options. And both don't work. The first

Sonarqube authorization - how to authorize with sonar-maven-plugin when sonar.forceAuthentication is enabled

I've got sonarqube 6.5 with default configs. When sonar.forceAuthentication flag is set to false, I can create and analyse project through command given below.

Authorization in ASP.NET Core. Always 401 Unauthorized for [Authorize] attribute

For the first time I'm creating Authorization in ASP.NET Core. I used tutorial from here TUTORIAL The problem is when I sending request from postman: Authori

Authorisation in microservices - how to approach domain object or entity level access control using ACL?

I am currently building microservices based system on java Spring Cloud. Some microservices use PostgreSQL and some of them MongoDB. REST and JMS is used for co

Prevent database access outside the application

We have a MVC application running with SQL Server database. We are using windows authentication, and when we want to give user access to our site we add them i

Blazor @attribute [Authorize] tag is not working

I have a working .NET Core 3.0 MVC website, using AzureAD for authentication, this all works fine. I have started to migrate some of the front-end pages to Blaz

enable Apache http Authorization header

I write an API with PHP ZF2 they use HTTP Authorization. I fetch all HTTP Headers with apache_request_headers() (also tested with ZF2's $this->getRequest()-&