Category "autodesk-viewer"

Hiding level in viewer Autodesk Forge

After I upload file.rvt into bucket and call API it to web app. Is there anyway to code for hiding level in viewer?

Autodesk Forge - problem of viewing big files as a gltf model

I have been trying to view gltf model with a 1 GB size, but the only small part of the model can be loaded. Is there any way to load all part of the model prope

How can I upload a model to the viewer by refering to a file?

I initialize the viewer using this example But I do not load models

How to call this color range in Autodesk Forge Data visualization?

How do I use the color range like the following image ? I've looked for it several times in the source code

How to call this color range in Autodesk Forge Data visualization?

How do I use the color range like the following image ? I've looked for it several times in the source code

In Autodesk Forge 2D .dwg drawings is space/region selection possible?

Autodesk Forge :In case of 2D .dwg drawings is space/region selection possible? in .rvt files the region/space selection is possible can we have a similar selec

How to aggregate 2D documents in Forge viewer?

I would like to aggregate multiple 2D sheets within same scene of Forge viewer. Testing with the legendary "Office" model so it's easy for you to reproduce. Whe

Is it possible to upload large Revit models (1-2GB) and render faster onto Autodesk Forge viewer?

I am currently developing a web application integrated with Autodesk Forge platform. Application is hosted on AWS. Basically, users upload their Revit files, th

Memory limited extension on SVF2

I am trying to implement the MemoryLimited extension in the Forge viewer per these instructions But ever since the switch to SVF2, it doesn't seem like the exte

What is the MaterialConverterPrism Extension for autodesk-forgeviewer?

What kind of design is autodesk-forgeviewer's MaterialConverterPrism Extension used for in Revit?

different geometry in SVF and SVF2

We have an IFC file that is converted in SVF and SVF2. We noticed that the same beam has different geometry in both formats (see picture The SVF2 geometry is wr