Category "automapper"

Automapper throwing System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException: Ambiguous match found

I have a piece of code that throws exception and I dont quite understand why. public async Task<List<CategoryVm>> Handle(GetCategoriesListQuery re

How to map with the help of Automapper (TypeScript) the entries of an array filled with different DTOs?

I'm using the TypeScript library "Automapper" in my NestJS backend to convert an answer of MongoDb/Mongoose to an DTO. That's how the answer looks like: { "

Does automapper support mapping collections with circular references?

I'm using automapper to map collections of incoming DTOs objects and save it all at once using Entity Framework. Everything works perfectly fine till I came acr

Automapper with EnumMapping throws on nullable Enums with unknown value

I have a nullable enum property on the source side and get this property with value 0 instead of NULL. But 0 is not a represented value in the enum so AutoMappe

The instance of the entity type cannot be tracked because another instance with the keyvalue is being tracked

I am basically trying to implement CRUD using EntityFrameWork core and .Net core 3.1. I have an issue with my update operation where I am not able update the co

Autmapper map collections of different types to collection of another type with nesting

I am currently struggling with automapper.10.1.1 config. I have following types: class Response { List<Assignment> Assignments { get; } List<Pr

How to map Object to KeyValuePair<char, string> using AutoMapper?

I'm trying to map my object model to a KeyValuePair<char, string> but my results are KeyValuePairs where Key = null and Value = null. What's the correct w

why dbcontext.savechanges() donot clear tracked entites of this dbcontext in efcore

I have an error on update entities use efcore and automapper: Entity cannot be tracked because another instance is with the same key value I saw some answers an

Map nested object with Automapper in C#

I use the latest version of AutoMapper 10.1.1 in my .NET Core project. I have a simple database for learning new words in a language I want to learn. I have the

Automapper profile maps its props to my dto

Hi. I want just map entity to dto but profile props map to the dto. Now what can i do for the following problem? public abstract class DtoProfile<TEntity

How to use Automapper to project object to Dto in LINQ

I am working on .NET Core 6 along with EF Core. I want to convert Customer and Order object that I have inside LINQ select to CustomerDto and OrderDto using Pro

How to setup AutoMapper in ASP.Net Core 6

How to configure AutoMapper in ASP.Net Core 6 I have a project which is written in .Net 3.1 so we had Startup.cs class. I am migrating it to .net core 6 now whe

AutoMapper .NET6 C#10 Blazor WASM PWA

I had a problem that the AutoMapper worked in .NET5 with in Program.cs -> services.AddAutoMapper(typeof(Startup)); New Blazored WASM PWA do not have a Startu

AutoMapper - Trying to flatten my object property to string but getting an error

I am trying to map my ProductDto to Product class. I get an error when mapping the string property in ProductDto class to a Brand property in the Product class.

Simple way to add extra parameter to Automapper ForMember

So, I have a mapping ObjectFrom to ObjectTo. ' All mappings can be done ObjectFrom.propX -> ObjectTo.propX2. But there is also a property in ObjectTo that ne

How can I pass parameters to an AutoMapper Profile in ABP?

I need to customize the way MyAutoMapper profile maps my objects to DTOs. From one of my ApplicationServices, I use an ObjectMapper for a relatively simple mapp

Update Entity from ViewModel in MVC using AutoMapper

I have a Supplier.cs Entity and its ViewModel SupplierVm.cs. I am attempting to update an existing Supplier, but I am getting the Yellow Screen of Death (YSOD)

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'IValueResolver<Entity, MyDto, object>' because it is not a delegate type

I am trying to define this simple mapping in my profile CreateMap<CompanyClient, MyDto>() .ForMember( dto => dto.PaymentTerms, opt => opt.M

AutoMapper convert from multiple sources

Let's say I have two model classes: public class People { public string FirstName {get;set;} public string LastName {get;set;} } Also have a class Phone:

Automapper:Converting JSON to list of objects

Source Object (JSON, using JSON.NET if it matters): { "conum" : 1001, "name" : "CLN Industries Corporation", "agencyName" : "Murphy, Holmes & A