Category "automation"

TestCafe Requires Permission To Record Screen but permission is already granted on MAC

I have two TestCafe projects, when I tried to run the old one, it continuously requires Permission to record screen but permission is already granted. The new t

Azure Automation Runbook ADAL SQL support

I am attempting to use an Azure Automation Runbook to run a query against an Azure SQL database using Azure AD credentials: $cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential

App Store Connect: automate releasing/updating app after submit for review with "Manually release this version"

This may sound paradoxical. My goal is to find a tool which automates the process of logging in to App Store Connect, and click the Make App Available button. T

Pytest - Extract data generated by test run to a file/ fixture in conftest?

I am using Pytest framwork for testing a web applications. While the tests run, it generates data and store them into variables. Example: @pytest.mark.usefixt

How can we achieve browser zoom in and zoom out in playwright?

Need to find a way to zoom browser in and out during an e2e test run. Below code does not work. await page.keyboard.down('Control'); for (let i = 0; i < 7;

hasKey doesn't see the field in the response

I have test: @Test public void sixTest() { FlowerList flowerList = new FlowerList(); Specification.installSpec(Specification.requestSpec(),

Is it possible to specifiy which step implementation to use in behave?

My test suite have features/scenarios for both desktop and mobile. some steps will eventually have the same name (i.e., when I go to home page, when i click or

choosing the youtube video quality by using selenium in Python

I'm having an issue to select the video quality resolution from the youtube video import unittest import time from

How do I grab an element and a class with selenium (Python)?

I'm trying to do some automation testing where I will need to grab an element to choose the right quality video. The problem here is that I tried CSS Selector,

A x times x grid that keeps expanding

Okkkayy, hi and welcome inside my head.. i want to make a 7x9 grid layout as a "starting point" like this +/- then i want to add 3 rows every like 6 hours or s

pytest run tests inside a class with a constructor

I want to write a test suite for an API. my project tree looks like: project tree I need to have a 'client' file with classes where we initialize all the helpe

Compare csv data with ui in Cypress

I need to implement following flow in Cypress: Download CSV file Read it and match it with data showed on UI How do I do this? CheckCSV() { cy.get("[selecto

Using explicit wait with Async mode in WebDriverIO

If I am using the async mode in WebDriver IO, Given the following test case: search the user name input and fill it with the user name 1 it("Explicit Wait Exa

GMail is blocking login via Automation (Selenium)

I am using selenium to automate a mail verification process in a web application. I have a script already in place to login to gmail and read an activation mail

How to enter a value to a textbox from an external excel or YAML file in Appium?

I'm aware of the fact that it is possible to enter a value to a text box using Appium sendkeys. Is it possible to pass values from an external excel or YAML fil

setValue is not a function webdriver io 7

i'm trying to use the function of webdriver io 7 setValue() but I always received the same result. I post my code. This is the page object Home import Page from

Integration of Azure Devops and Python for passing test results from automation script and update in Azure Devops?

I'm currently performing some mobile app automation with Appium and Python, where test cases are on Azure Devops. I have done the same thing with Appium, Pyth

How to disable wi-fi on Android device in Appium?

In our test case: I need to disable Wi-Fi at some specific point/action. I have verified: driver[deviceIndex].setConnection(Connection.NONE); assertEquals(Con

Cypress: how to drag an element towards another dynamic element

In cypress I'm trying to drag one element towards another element? How can I do that? It should look something like this cy.('@firstElememt').trigger('drag').to

BDD Cucumber test management tool

Is there an open source tool available to control the running of BDD cucumber tests? We are developing BDD cucumber tests and would like the option to control