Category "avro"

Kafka-connect to PostgreSQL - org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Failed to deserialize topic to Avro

Setup I've installed latest (7.0.1) version of Confluent platform in standalone mode on Ubuntu virtual machine. Python producer for Avro format Using this sampl

Deserialize Avro from kafka as SpecificRecord Failing. Expecting type to be a PojoTypeInfo

I am using Flink v1.11.2 and Avro v1.10.1. I am trying to deserialize an Avro record as a Specific record from a Kafka topic, but for some reason keep getting t

Transform Stream

I have a GenericRecord stream with value deserialised using Avro, schema has name and age. KafkaSource<GenericRecord> source = KafkaSource.<GenericRec

Avro Definition for Custom Aggregator

I have a code where I am aggregating the data from Kafka stream via: StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder = new StreamsBuilder(); streamsBuilder.table(AppConfigs.t

Scala Kafka exception: NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.avro.Schema.toString

I'm developing a kafka producer code in scala with those libs (I have to use version >6.X in kafka avro serializer to use TLS comunication): <dependency&g

Kafka & Connect - how to fix AVRO Schema Data type

Setup Multiple independent source systems push AVRO events into a Kafka topic. A Kafka S3 sink connector reads AVRO events from this topic and writes into S3 pa

Avro ICallback is obsolete but what is the replacement?

Avro ICallback<T> is marked as obsolete: using System; namespace Avro.IO { /// <summary> /// Obsolete - This will be removed from the publi

Kafka connector and Schema Registry - Error Retrieving Avro Schema - Subject not found

I have a topic that will eventually have lots of different schemas on it. For now it just has the one. I've created a connect job via REST like this: { "name"

Apache Avro maven plugin seems to be ignoring config

I am using apache avro maven plugin with the aim of generating java from avsc. I am running this on an m1 mac(though i didn't see anything online about that bei

sbt-avro is not generating Scala classes, possible settings issue

I'm trying to use sbt-avro in a Scala project to generate Scala classes from an Avro schema. Here is the project structure: multi-tenant/ build.sbt proj

Change schema name strategy in confluent Kafka

I am using confluent Kafka and schema registry and I cannot figure out a way to have custom schema name in python. From this blog I got how to do it in Java, bu

"The $changeStream stage is only supported on replica sets" error while using mongodb-source-connect

I get an error when running kafka-mongodb-source-connect I was trying to run connect-standalone with and MongoSourceConnector

Unable to deserialize Kafka stream to pojo. Could not find class specified in writer's schema

Getting exception while reading from kafka topic: Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for

How to write a KafkaAvro Serde for GenericData.Record

I'm using Kafka 0.10.2 and Avro for the serialization of my messages, both for the key and for the value data. Now I would like to use Kafka Streams but I'm stu

Confluent Maven repository not working?

I need to use the Confluent kafka-avro-serializer Maven artifact. From the official guide I should add this repository to my Maven pom <repository> <

Empty list as default value in AVRO array

What I have in my Schema.avdl: array<string> names = null; Now instead of null, I want to have the default value as an empty array, so i tried and fai

AvroTypeException: Expected start-union. Got VALUE_NUMBER_INT

[PS : I have gone through all the possible issues under same error and tried to fix my Json Schema] I have the following Avro Schema (Converted to JSON using ht

avro gradle plugin sample usage

I am trying to use the avro-gradle-plugin on github, but have not gotten any luck getting it to work. Does anyone have any sample code on how they get it to wo

How to convert json schema to avro schema [closed]

My application has been using json schema (org.everit.json.schema.Schema ) to validate JSON messages whether they comply to a particular forma

Split an avro file and upload to REST

I have created some avro files. I can use the following commands to convert them to json, just to check whether the files are ok java -jar avro-tools-1.8.2.jar