I am using Amplify to setup a dynamodb with a corresponding lambda using the amplify blueprint for dynamodb. Accessing the dynamodb the "classic" way with KeyCo
I was working on an existing project using amplify with GraphQl API. The query shows issues with @Key as Your GraphQL Schema is using "@key" directive from an o
I was trying to implement a chat feature that has three models; message, user and conversation. A user can have many conversations, a conversation can have many
Might be a simple question, but I initially have been using the graphqlOperation for API queries in AWS Amplify. Recently I started utilizing Cognito User Pools
I have created a private subnet in a VPC with a couple of private RDS databases and microservices to retrieve handle request from a react dashboard deployed usi
I want to use aws amplify for an app I am making, but I can't figure out how to change the background of the login/sign up screens using withAuthenticator. Can
I have an Expo project with AWS Amplify. I'm currently using EAS from Expo to deploy on mobile. Pretty often I run on this error: ❌ Metro encountered an
I was looking into the figma and Amplify sync capability recently released by AWS. Looks promising. However, I can't seem to pull the components to my local rep
I'm using the Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser method to retrieve the attributes recorded for the logged user from AWS Cognito - but only basic atributes are showi