The whole point of using CodePipeline for me is to deploy automatically an ECS Service (Blue / Green deployment), with CodeDeploy. CodePipeline have the followi
I am relatively new to AWS and kubernetes. I have created a self-managed kubernetes cluster running in AWS (not using EKS). I have successfully created a pipeli
Still fairly new to AWS Codepipeline and I am trying to pass an output artifact out into the next stage of my build. In this particular case, I want to do two
below error pops when I try to target a CDK pipeline using events targets. jsii.errors.JavaScriptError: Error: Resolution error: Supplied properties not corr
Is there a way to pass AWS Codebuild environment variables into a Dockerfile? I'd like to be able to pull from ECR like this: FROM $
I had a codepipeline with a cloudformation template. I'm creating a AWS::ApiGateway::Resource and AWS::ApiGateway::Method to access S3 bucket. First time it cre
i am a beginner in AWS, and I encountered this problem very early on. I created an EB environment and a code-pipeline in AWS. So whenever I push something to th
I am trying to use nested stack and when my ChangeSet is being executed, I got this error: Requires capabilities : [CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND] I went and create
During a CodeBuild run I am retrieving a rsa key from SecretsManager, which is the private key to use to access private sources in BitBucket. To do this I have
I am trying to set up a notification for the code pipeline using its notification rule which supporters SNS. As you can see in the picture the status is "unre