I know this has been discussed various times on the world wide web, but as a newbie, it's really hard for me to translate these answers into practical execution
I have an API which I'm deploying to AWS using CDK. I'm using the lambda proxy integration. I'm trying to create a new API call which will return a zip file, bu
Is it possible to call a lambda function at the end of some AWS Textract processing?
I am studying for my AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification and I am confused with the difference between AWS Lambda & AWS Elastic Beanstalk. From my underst
I am having some data in aurora mysql db, I would like to do two things: HISTORICAL DATA: To read the data from aurora(say TABLE A) do some processing and updat
Requirement: We have 4 clients in 4 different regions and we need to set up a Cron expression in the cloud watch event which needs to trigger lambda at a partic
Lambda has triggered again even after the SQS visibility timeout is the same as lambda timeout around 8min. Having SQS visibility timeout greater than lambda ti
context: Django 3.1 app deployed to a AWS lambda with terraform. I have not set up my production settings yet, this is my dev server. I'm using https://github.c
I want to get the AWS Inspector assessment run findings on email. For that i had configured a SNS topic but the mail i received contains arns(refer pic) : The
I am using the AWS-CDK to create a stack with an AWS-MSK cluster and a Lambda function which should be triggered, when a new message is available in a specific
I am new to C# and Serverless development. I am trying to create an AWS Lambda that has an API Gateway trigger. When the Lambda triggers I want to write a User
I am calling a lambda from a step function and it waits for callback.(The lambda runs some python code which calls few other AWS services like batch jobs) Even
I have a create-lambda stack and i am adding an existing SNS topic as the destination thru CDK + Python. While deploying the code i am getting an error The func
I have created an AWS Lambda with the new function URL feature enabled. Since the URL isn't that easy to remember, I would like to create a Route 53 alias like
My use case is that I'm trying to take a screenshot of a view in Tableau, and save that screenshot in a bucket in s3. This is done through a Lambda function wri
I have a Laravel app that works fine locally using Docker/Sail. However when I deploy that app to an AWS Lambda, it doesn't function in the same way. Once runni
I am trying to use Microsoft speech to text api(azure-cognitiveservices-speech) in AWS Lambda. In AWS Lambda I am using docker image(public.ecr.aws/lambda/pytho
Currently my lambda function works successfully with one schedule event attached to it. Relevant excerpt from my template.yaml: Resources: HelloWorldFunction:
I have a lambda that loads an S3 file and returns it as a Base64: return { "isBase64Encoded": True, 'statusCode': 200, 'body': b64encode(...).decode
I am failing with a DNS 14 message when trying to call a lambda function to invoke chaincode on my Amazon Managed Hyperledger Blockchain. ERROR Failed proposa