Category "aws-lambda"

How can I call my AWS Lambda function URL via a custom domain?

I have created an AWS Lambda with the new function URL feature enabled. Since the URL isn't that easy to remember, I would like to create a Route 53 alias like

Python Lambda function using boto3 uploads 0 bytes image file to s3

My use case is that I'm trying to take a screenshot of a view in Tableau, and save that screenshot in a bucket in s3. This is done through a Lambda function wri

Why is my Laravel Inertia Lambda rendering pages inside nested modals?

I have a Laravel app that works fine locally using Docker/Sail. However when I deploy that app to an AWS Lambda, it doesn't function in the same way. Once runni

azure-cognitiveservices-speech api error while using with AWS Lambda

I am trying to use Microsoft speech to text api(azure-cognitiveservices-speech) in AWS Lambda. In AWS Lambda I am using docker image(

Is it possible to attach multiple schedule/cron events with one AWS Lambda function?

Currently my lambda function works successfully with one schedule event attached to it. Relevant excerpt from my template.yaml: Resources: HelloWorldFunction:

AWS Lambda function URL returns a different content-length value compared to API Gateway

I have a lambda that loads an S3 file and returns it as a Base64: return { "isBase64Encoded": True, 'statusCode': 200, 'body': b64encode(...).decode

Issue connecting my lambda function to Amazon managed blockchain

I am failing with a DNS 14 message when trying to call a lambda function to invoke chaincode on my Amazon Managed Hyperledger Blockchain. ERROR Failed proposa

chrome-aws-lambda + lighthouse always results in NO_SCREENSHOTS

I am trying to run Lighthouse via Puppeteer in a Docker image using chrome-aws-lambda, and no matter what website I send to Lightho

How to write code to catch null exception in python

I have below code, which I want to write in a way so that it catches proper exception when none is passed when argument value is required. def MyFunction(MyAr

How long does Lambda function store its variable value?

I created a lambda script just to understand how long a lambda script stores its variable value. Prior to this, my understanding was that it only stores until t

Slack notification from lambda not breaking message in newline

I am using below code to send message to slack from aws lambda, need to have newline between first and second variable. Both of them are of string type. Message

How to deploy API into API Gateway stage using AWS CLI?

I am trying to deploy lambda function into API Gateway using AWS CLI. I am using aws apigateway put-integration and aws apigateway put-integration-response to u

Lambda function is not exiting but is logging the return

I have a Lambda function that I am trying to get to work fully. The code works in the sense it does exactly what I need it to however the issue comes in that th

AWS ScheduleExpression trigger Lambda once with some delay

I want to invoke a lambda function in AWS once it has been deployed to the stack. I am using ScheduleExpression for this with a cron expression cron(*/5 * ? * *

DllNotFoundException libgurobi95 when invoking lambda function on AWS

I have a lambda function that uses the OPTANO.Modeling.Gurobi NuGet package (and OPTANO.Modeling). The code works perfectly when I run it locally using the Mock

AWS Lambda hang until it timout on stipe invoices list

I am using AWS Lambda to host a nodeJs service that fetch my open invoices on Stripe and execute a payment and update my database. The problem is that most of t

SQS → Lambda Problem With maximumBatchingWindow

Our intention is to trigger a lambda when messages are received in an SQS queue. we only want one invocation of the lambda to run at a time (maximum concurrency

How to run Fluent-Bit in AWS-Lambda

I have built a more simple test image that works. The Dockerfile installs python, then Fluent-Bit, and then the CMD is a shell script that starts both processes

Sequelize with AWS RDS Proxy

I am trying to use the AWS RDS Proxy on my lambda to proxy our database (Aurora MySQL). I wasn't able to find any specific instructions for Sequelize, but it se

should I close the Singleton DB connection object inside AWS lambda?

I've a plain simple aws lambda written in java(No framework involved). Currently, I've used a Singleton instance for DBConnection as I wanted to re-use the earl