Category "aws-lambda"

(CLOSED) How to persist data across multiple AWS Lambda sessions?

I know this has been discussed various times on the world wide web, but as a newbie, it's really hard for me to translate these answers into practical execution

AWS lambda doesn't return binary content

I have an API which I'm deploying to AWS using CDK. I'm using the lambda proxy integration. I'm trying to create a new API call which will return a zip file, bu

Is it possible to call a lambda function at the end of Textract processing

Is it possible to call a lambda function at the end of some AWS Textract processing?

What is the difference between AWS Lambda & AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I am studying for my AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification and I am confused with the difference between AWS Lambda & AWS Elastic Beanstalk. From my underst

how to write a Trigger to insert data from aurora to redshift

I am having some data in aurora mysql db, I would like to do two things: HISTORICAL DATA: To read the data from aurora(say TABLE A) do some processing and updat

How to change the Timezone in AWS Cloudwatch Event Cron expression?

Requirement: We have 4 clients in 4 different regions and we need to set up a Cron expression in the cloud watch event which needs to trigger lambda at a partic

Lambda trigger again after timeout even sqs visible timeout is same as lambda timeout

Lambda has triggered again even after the SQS visibility timeout is the same as lambda timeout around 8min. Having SQS visibility timeout greater than lambda ti

messages not appearing in admin on AWS dev server Django-3.1

context: Django 3.1 app deployed to a AWS lambda with terraform. I have not set up my production settings yet, this is my dev server. I'm using https://github.c

Get AWS Inspector findings report from AWS Inspector in mail

I want to get the AWS Inspector assessment run findings on email. For that i had configured a SNS topic but the mail i received contains arns(refer pic) : The

Creating MSK event source mapping for Lambda function fails

I am using the AWS-CDK to create a stack with an AWS-MSK cluster and a Lambda function which should be triggered, when a new message is available in a specific

Adding a DBContext to AWS Lambda causes it to hang

I am new to C# and Serverless development. I am trying to create an AWS Lambda that has an API Gateway trigger. When the Lambda triggers I want to write a User

AWS Lambda step function Integration

I am calling a lambda from a step function and it waits for callback.(The lambda runs some python code which calls few other AWS services like batch jobs) Even

Policystatement is getting generated while adding SNS destination to Lambda

I have a create-lambda stack and i am adding an existing SNS topic as the destination thru CDK + Python. While deploying the code i am getting an error The func

How can I call my AWS Lambda function URL via a custom domain?

I have created an AWS Lambda with the new function URL feature enabled. Since the URL isn't that easy to remember, I would like to create a Route 53 alias like

Python Lambda function using boto3 uploads 0 bytes image file to s3

My use case is that I'm trying to take a screenshot of a view in Tableau, and save that screenshot in a bucket in s3. This is done through a Lambda function wri

Why is my Laravel Inertia Lambda rendering pages inside nested modals?

I have a Laravel app that works fine locally using Docker/Sail. However when I deploy that app to an AWS Lambda, it doesn't function in the same way. Once runni

azure-cognitiveservices-speech api error while using with AWS Lambda

I am trying to use Microsoft speech to text api(azure-cognitiveservices-speech) in AWS Lambda. In AWS Lambda I am using docker image(

Is it possible to attach multiple schedule/cron events with one AWS Lambda function?

Currently my lambda function works successfully with one schedule event attached to it. Relevant excerpt from my template.yaml: Resources: HelloWorldFunction:

AWS Lambda function URL returns a different content-length value compared to API Gateway

I have a lambda that loads an S3 file and returns it as a Base64: return { "isBase64Encoded": True, 'statusCode': 200, 'body': b64encode(...).decode

Issue connecting my lambda function to Amazon managed blockchain

I am failing with a DNS 14 message when trying to call a lambda function to invoke chaincode on my Amazon Managed Hyperledger Blockchain. ERROR Failed proposa