Category "aws-lambda"

Configure DynamoDB stream trigger with insert only

I currently have an AWS DynamoDB stream triggers a Lambda function. The Lambda function is triggered by both insert and update events in the DynamoDB. Is ther

AWS API Gateway with proxy Lambda: Invalid permissions on Lambda function

I am using AWS API Gateway with a proxy Lambda, when the name of the lambda function is coming as a stage variable. Meaning I have a single API integration whic

Pass multiple inputs into Map State in AWS Step Function

I am trying to use AWS Step Functions to trigger operations on a very large S3 file via Lambda. To do this I am invoking a step function with an input that has

How to install external modules in a Python Lambda Function created by AWS CDK?

I'm using the Python AWS CDK in Cloud9 and I'm deploying a simple Lambda function that is supposed to send an API request to Atlassian's API when an Object is u

Mount EFS to Lambda Container

I have a task that I would like to run inside a container on AWS Lambda. I know, that when using the regular function, not a container, it is possible to mount

How to execute a lambda function which copies objects from one S3 bucket to another via Step functions?

I was able to perform the task to copy data from the source bucket to a destination bucket using lambda function, however, I got an error while executing the la

Using an API key in Amazon API Gateway

I have created an API Key and added it to my functions. I have then deployed the api and tested it but still get: "message": "Forbidden" How do I pass the api

Occasional 'temporary failure in name resolution' while connecting to AWS Aurora cluster

I am running an Amazon Web Services RDS Aurora 5.6 database cluster. There are a couple of lambda's talking to these database instances, all written in python.

How to scale Lambda when /tmp is reused?

I have a lambda function that reads from DynamoDB and creates a large file (~500M) in /tmp that finally uploaded to s3. Once uploaded the lambda clears the file

How to scale Lambda when /tmp is reused?

I have a lambda function that reads from DynamoDB and creates a large file (~500M) in /tmp that finally uploaded to s3. Once uploaded the lambda clears the file

Using python Logging with AWS Lambda

As the AWS documentation suggests: import logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def my_logging_handler(event, context): logger

AWS X-Ray Crossacount data collection

I have an application that is distributed over two AWS accounts. One part of the application ingest data from one account into the other account. The producer

node-lambda - TypeError: handler is not a function

New to AWS and found it quite straightforward so far but really getting stuck packaging a lambda function. I'm using node-lambda to try and run the function bu

Aws step functions - Resume from failed step function activity instead of starting a new execution

I created a step function with 4 different activities which run one after other and also integrated to trigger this step function from a java application. Flow

Why my cloudformation template is over 1 MB?

I created a SAM project and created a simple hello world lambda. After executing: sam package --template-file template.yaml --output-template-file output.yaml