Category "aws-sdk-js"

DynamoDB - Query returning fewer results than Scan

Really hoping someone can help me here because I'm out of ideas. I've filled a database table with 4974 items, all of which are deliberately the exact same reco

Kinesis return wrong error when using PRODUCER_TIMESTAMP for timestamps that are outside of retention period

I'm trying to retrieve a video stream from Kinesis that is outside of the retention period either by using KinesisVideoArchivedMedia or GetClip or event throug

Can't export fromIni from @aws-sdk/credential-providers

I'm working on a React/Node.js app and I'm trying to read my IAM User credentials from ~/.aws/credentials file. I am trying to use fromIni from the @aws-sdk/cre

How to Get Signed S3 Url in AWS-SDK JS Version 3?

I am following the proposed solution by Trivikr for adding support for s3.getSignedUrl api which is not currently available in newer v3. I am trying to make a s

Cannot read property 'byteLength' of undefined for aws-sdk js v3 for dynamodb client

I'm trying to connect a nestjs backend (node) with a dynamodb table using @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb but I have a server error: [Nest] 24019 - 24/08/2021, 21:19:

How do I mock AWS S3 GetObjectCommand with jest using the v3 sdk?

Testing an s3 upload? The method to test is export class ProcessData { constructor() {} async process(): Promise<void> { const data = await s3Cl

How to update agent status from lambda function

I am working on Amazon Connect application. I am using lambda for handling backend data. My requirement is to change agent status from lambda call using AWS SDK

RedshiftDataClient BatchExecuteStatement combines all the queries in one

I am using the BatchExecuteStatement command in the RedshiftDataClient (@aws-sdk/client-redshift-data 3.39.0) to execute a number of queries against redshift. T