Category "aws-step-functions"

AWS Step function process output from lambda

I have a AWS step function need to call 3 lambda in sequence, but at the end of each call, the step function need to process the response from a lambda, and det

AWS Update/Upgrade Step Functions for existing Executions

We have been thinking about using AWS Step Functions for approval workflows that can run tasks with callbacks and wait for human actions and other time-consumin

AWS Lambda step function Integration

I am calling a lambda from a step function and it waits for callback.(The lambda runs some python code which calls few other AWS services like batch jobs) Even

How to stop all running Step Functions of a specific state machine?

I accidentally started very many step functions and now wish to terminate all of them. Any smart ways to do this using the CLI or web console?

Using CDK to Create a Step Function With Dependencies on Other AWS Resources (Like a Lambda) Owned By Different Projects

We're using AWS Step Functions in our application. We have one step function we're creating with the use of the CDK as part of a deployment of Application A fro

Two-Phase Starting of an AWS Step Function?

Scenario I'm looking for a way to create an instance of a step function that waits for me to start it. Pseudo code would look like this. StateMachine myStateMac

Why aren't HTTP Headers passed from AWS API Gateway to Step functions

I have an api gateway set up with integration to a step function - the integration is working well and my function is executed. However I have a need to access

Unformatted date time in response from step function execution history

I am calling below method to get the execution's history of a step function as mentioned in AWS Docs .

Getting authorizer context from Step Function executed from API Gateway

I'm trying to get my API Gateway api to: Run an authorizer Pass authorizer context to a Step Function execution Respond to client with Step Function output I al

AWS EMR: Enable auto-termination-policy in cloudformation

I am trying to enable auto termination policy in EMR. Here is the documentation

AWS StepFunction: end root Stepfunction execution from async execution

I'm trying to end an AWS stepfunction execution from a syncronous execution that it created. I have a main stateMachine definition that starts a syncronous exec

AWS StepFunction: end root Stepfunction execution from async execution

I'm trying to end an AWS stepfunction execution from a syncronous execution that it created. I have a main stateMachine definition that starts a syncronous exec

Is there any way to read the contents of an S3 file from an AWS Step Function?

I have a particular workflow where I want to pass a list of 500 json strings from a lambda function to a step function (stepFunction1), and then iterate over th

SerializationException:Start of structure or map found where not expected: API Gateway to Step function

I am using the standard blog tutorial on integrating api gateway with step functions from here:

Global variable alternative in a AWS Step Function execution

Im running a workflow using a step function (with SAM), when I needed to send information between lambdas I've used events and everything was perfect! But now,

Pass multiple inputs into Map State in AWS Step Function

I am trying to use AWS Step Functions to trigger operations on a very large S3 file via Lambda. To do this I am invoking a step function with an input that has

What is the AWS Service Principal value for stepfunction?

I'm writing the terraform for creating an IAM role for AWS StepFunctions. What should be the value for Principal in assume_role_policy { "Version": "2012-

How to execute a lambda function which copies objects from one S3 bucket to another via Step functions?

I was able to perform the task to copy data from the source bucket to a destination bucket using lambda function, however, I got an error while executing the la

AWS Step Functions Consuming messages from SQS

I am consuming messages from SQS to trigger queries. When I normally consume a message from SQS in Python, I need to delete the message from SQS. Do I have to m

Aws step functions - Resume from failed step function activity instead of starting a new execution

I created a step function with 4 different activities which run one after other and also integrated to trigger this step function from a java application. Flow