Category "axios"

Nodejs Axios Error: Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames: "Host: (URL). is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*"

I'm trying to request an API from a third party server from a shared hosting server, so i don't have root access, and receive this error, but when i try it from

Express or Axios Error: socket hang up code: ECONNRESET

This is the first time i post a question here, sorry if some data is missing. I'm trying to do some web scraping to get some info of a table. The page only resp

React Axios Post Requests Being Blocked After Initially Succeeding

I have a React app that has a contact form that submits data to a third party such as,, or who basically collect the for

React: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400

I'm sending a uid a token and two form inputs from formik to my django rest api for a password reset. When i do so i receive a 400 error with a response that i'

How to configure http-proxy-middleware without using Create-React-App

I have a cumtom react startkit package, and I need to dynamically configure the domain for front-end API calls. I plan to use the http-proxy-middleware plugin,

Vue 3 Axios post call works but v-model lags a step behind?

I am using Vue.js 3, Laravel and Axios to make a simple post call: processFilters() { self = this; let tags = self.checkedTags.

In postman we are sending the file as binary but how will that request body will be made in fetch api

if we are selecting the file as binary in postman , how we can form the body of the request with Axios or fetch

Get and render image from API in (Vue)JS?

I have a website running VueJS at localhost:3000 which does some stuff to call this.nextImage(). methods: // content // async nextImage() { console.log("In

Separate React app and Laravel 8 api, doesnt set cookie/cors

I have a standalone react app on localhost:3000 using Axios I make a request to my Laravel 8 api using sanctum. The request goes through: But the cookie doesn'

IPFS Pinata service not accepting file

I have a code as shown below that uploads files from the browser and saves in the server, once it has been saved to the server, I want the server to connect to

Vue How to fix 404 error when using nuxt proxy and nuxt axios

In my vue-app I'm using the @nuxtjs/proxy together with @nuxtjs/axios but for some reason I don't know, I always get an Request failed with status code 404 -err

How to set database dynamically based on client request in Laravel

I am using a Laravel Application as a backend and wish to set the database connection dynamically (and keep it until the page is refreshed) through an axios req

Failed to access formData in Django. Uploading Files With VueJS and Axios + Django

I have used code of Uploading Files With VueJS and Axios. I am using backend code Django uploaded images save into database. In after submit and before submit i

request url return errno: -3, code: 'Z_DATA_ERROR'

I have used three lib to request url return same error URL: Axios Error: Error: incorrect header check at Zlib.

How to fetch data only on first click via react-query and then disable refetch on subsequent clicks

I encountered a problem while implementing the form where the data used in select, retrieved from the database via react-query, should only be retrieved once wh

What is the proper way to pass a reactive pinia state as axios params?

I am trying to use two pinia stores for my axios params but when I send the axios request, the state is sent as a whole proxy object. stores/product-filter.js i

Somebody knows how to solve 401 Unauthorized error with Clockify API using axios and node js

Does someone know why I'm getting a 401 Unauthorized error when I try to post a request to add a time entry even though I have added my API key? I'm using Axios

VUE -axios GET does not execute

My vue porject use axios to send HTTP request. There is no problem running on Android. When running on IOS, occasionally the HTTP request is not sent. But not e

Axios getting blocked by laravel 7 cors. No "access-control-allow-origin-header"

I've a backend app working with Laravel 7 and a frontend which works with VueJs. My Laravel app is running on laradock (nginx, postgres etc...) Using Postman th

How can I fix : Request header field x-access-token is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response?

I am trying to upload an image to Cloudinary from my local address (localhost:3000). However, when I try upload an image to it, it is giving me this error: Acce