Category "azure-ad-b2c-custom-policy"

Why is Facebook referenced in TrustFrameworkBase.xml?

The documentation for Azure AD B2C says "Base file - Few modifications are required to the base". I expected to change just the TenantId and PublicPolicyUri at

How to avoid hardcoding ServiceUrl in AD B2C custom policy API connector?

I have a REST API connector in my B2C custom policy. All examples I have seen hard code the value of the ServiceUrl metadata item in the REST technical profile.

AADB2C90088: The provided grant has not been issued for this endpoint

We are using custom policies for Sign in and reset password in Azure B2C, when user is resetting his password and after doing all the process, when user tries t

Trying to understand B2C authetication with Web App and session management

I have a web application (.net5, razor) that's using Azure B2C to authenticate users. So a user opens the applications, goes through B2C to authenticate and the

Unable to pass query param to azure-ad-b2c custom policy and store values

I have a scenario where i have to pass a query parameter in the URL to my custom sign-up policy and so far all my attempts did not work. there seem to be someth

Azure AD B2C Group Membership Custom policy

Our current b2c custom policy extension property (where we store permissions) is limited to 255 characters. Therefore, we hit the limit of permissions and we ne

AAD B2C custom policy read without user interaction

Is it possible to make a read operation before any other in a TechnicalProfile? In a password reset scenario where users always login with a username, I'd like

Looking up users in AAD B2C using extension attributes or unusual standard attributes

This is a follow-up to this question. I need to query AAD B2C to lookup a user using an employeeID which, for reasons related to what fields our account provisi

Azure B2C password field text and placeholder

I have selected pt-Br language customization for my signin page flow, but some elements are not translated properly (or not translated), then i uploaded an over