We have multiple reminders like 5 minutes , 15 minutes and 30 minutes. We store them in our own database and send maximum time reminder with graph API create ev
I've created an app and configured its permission as in this document: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/migrate-azure-ad-graph-configure-permissions Now,
My request is GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/applications?$select=appRoles Because of this I have a problem in PowerApps, I can't show the objects.
I am trying to create a new user in my tenant using Microsoft Graph (v1.0) with help of the Microsoft doc. When I create my user, I always get an error 400 bad
I am making an application where users can join multiple azure groups. This works fine. But a user should be able to have a role only within that specific group
Thank you and will appreciate some help. I am making a REST api call from a custom policy in Azure B2C. When I call the azure function in a browser, test/run in
Sendmail method in Graph giving error "The requested user is invalid"
I am using Azure Graph API Explorer. I want to query the apps list in a tenant. I am user in tenant_x (where user was originally created) as well as admin in te
Integrating AzureAD SSO to my android app. I have registered an app on Azure portal & get the auth_config.json file against the same. Implemented the sample
Graph API Paging explains that the response would contain a field @odata.nextLink which would contain a skiptoken pointing to the next page of contents. When I
Is it possible to add users/members to Exchange admin role groups via an API? The equivalent PowerShell cmdlet would be Add-RoleGroupMember and the specific gro