My app is structured as follows: React frontend -> Azure Api Management -> Flask backend. The Flask app allows all origins. app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app
We have following setup in Azure configured using this guide ( App
I have an APIM API, which is associated with a Product(Product scope). When I test the API within APIM (Test tab), everything works fine. But when I copy the sa
I am trying to list all Pull Requests associated with a Work Item but according to the Work Items API there doesn't seem to be a way to get it: GET https://dev.
I am trying to write an inbound policy inside one operation in an API in Azure API Management. In this policy I want to check if the incoming request has a spec
We have an Azure Api Management instance behind a Cloudflare firewall. Recently we got a report of a client getting an error on a POST to the backend API. It
i have deployed a .net core web api to Azure App service. one endpoint of API which does not have anything to get from Database works fine. [Route("api/[contro
APIM policy: <set-variable name="xcid" value="@(context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("x-correlation-id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()))" /> <
I'm looking for a away to protect my APIs in APIM, I really don't understand the difference between Subscription Key and OAuth 2.0 using Access Token. Can we us
We are currently having all our APIs in Azure API Management Portal. The versioning in the API code is handled using the version header. These APIs were deploye
I have an application where I need both access via APIM as well as directly to the API via Azure AD authentication. After enabling the Assignment required toggl
My APIM is receiving request payload in POST request - and I have to format and send to backend -- Formatted payload for BE I have to add the 2 parameters afte
Following on from this post of mine: API Management with GIT I have an API management instance running. I know API management has its own GIT repository. I