Category "azure-appservice"

Deployment slots in Azure FunctionApp

I'm trying to understand how deployment slot works ( I ran the following com

Azure Web App Code 503 - Service Unavailable

I'm having a problem with my 4 webapps on Azure. All of them have "Running" status, but I cannot deploy new releases, I receive code 503 "Service Unavailable",

Hosting a separate app service as a website directory

Is it possible to include a separate Azure App Service as part of another App Service? For example lets say that I have a website called hoste

Can't find .NET as a version in Azure App Service

I migrated my app locally from 3.1 to version 5. I deployed it but I get the following error: HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies Commo

App Service Private Endpoint with Custom Domains gives Error 403 - Forbidden

I'm on the last stage of my journey to try and lock down public access to app. After a bunch of research I decided on using "Private Endpoints" so that only wh