Category "azure-automation"

Azure Automation Account access- AD & WVD Hostpool (add/remove) Operations

I have a automation account with run as account through which i'm running a powershell runbook. It usually does add/remove a member to a AD group in azure and a

Automatically remove users that haven't been accessed a lab VM for a period of time

So let me preface this by saying that I'm still a newbie to Azure, an don't know much PowerShell (yet). I've started working tech support for an IT training com

IaC Azure Automation

I would like to perform the following steps on schedule (presumably using Azure Automation): Provision a VM in Azure Run a powershell script on that VM Depro

Do we have to use robot framework to send a message to IoT hub?

I want to use the robot framework for run automation testing. My scenario is set connect string (HostName=xxx) and send a message to IoT hub and verify data in