Category "azure-data-lake"

Copy Activity fails from ADO (Odata) Source to Azure Data lake

I need to copy data from ADO(OData) to Azure Data lake. All connections and Linked services are working good. I can preview data from ADO(OData) but getting bel

ADLS Gen 1 with Synapse Notebook Scala

I am not able to find the way to connect ADLS Gen 1 in a synapse notebook. I already have existing linked service for ADLS Gen 1. I have seen some of the docume

What is the best way to check if a file exists on an Azure Datalake using Apache Airflow?

I have a DAG that shall check if a file has been uploaded to Azure DataLake in a specific directory. If so, it allow other DAGs to run. I thought about using a

Is there a way to prefer Azure Service Endpoint over Private Endpoint?

Scenario: I have a hub & spoke architecture with Azure Firewall, which acts as my DNS server to VNets in all spokes. I also have a VPN connection, which I u

Databricks DataLakeFileClient Returns Error

I have a databricks notebook running every 5 mins, part of the functionality is to connect to a file in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2). I get the foll

How to open the file on browser instead of downloading in local that is stored in Azure Data lake Gen 2

Currently, I am generating SAS token from Azure file share and trying to access the file. But when I hit that url on browser, file automatically getting downloa

Apache Iceberg table format to ADLS / azure data lake

I am trying to find some integration to use iceberg table format on adls /azure data lake to perform crud operations. Is it possible to not use any other comput