Category "azure-devops"

Azure DevOps build task VSBuild copies DLL marked as copy=false

I'm currently trying to create a CD pipeline with Azure DevOps with a solution using .NET Framework 4.8 and Oracle. Unfortunately, I can't make it run; as the D

Running my postman collections in Azure devOps build pipelines but fails with "401" and a "404" status code

I have exported my postman collections plus environment and global variables and pushed to them to Azure repos, then trying to run API test through a build pipe

How do i use azure app service env variables inside my application?

i'm trying to setup my project in azure. For this i created an app service and under settings/configuration i added some "Application Settings", which in my und

how to integrate gitlab repository to azure devops

We are using git (on premises gitlab) as source controle, Can some one guide me how I can integrate private gitlab repo to my azure devops organization to push

How to authorize pool in Azure?

Trying use my own create agent for the first time, met with this: The pipeline is not valid. Could not find a pool with name Default. The pool does not exist o

Stop azure pipelines from running my template files

I am trying to use Azure pipeline templates to organize my build. I am using multiple repositories for this: BuildTemplates MySoftwareProject1 MySoftwareProject

Azure Pipelines how filter artifacts per stage for "Manual only" triggered Releases

Let's say I have these 3 Stages: Dev, QC, Prod. My requirements are: Artifacts only from specific branches(release/*) can be deployed to QC/Prod Artifacts fr

How to create Azure devops kubernetes service connection for to access private AKS cluster?

Creating a service connection to access non-private AKS cluster is straight forward, however if i want to create service connection for private AKS cluster is i

AzureDevops Api call for pull-request doesn't work

I'm referring to this page, to create a pull request during the build process in Azure DevOps via API call. I'm using authorization as Bearer using $(System.Acc

Script path of PowerShell task Azure DevOps release

I have PowerShell script, that I would like to use in deployments of Dynamics 365 to migrate an Access Team Template to our Test and Prod environments. I have a

Resolve Azure YAML Pipeline overlapping variable names in multiple variable groups

We're working on converting our Classic Azure Pipelines to YAML Pipelines. One thing that is not clear is how to ensure that two different variable groups with

Enabling public access to SQL Server in Azure devops release pipelines

In order to run migrations on my Test Azure SQL which is configured with PrivateLink I temporarly enable public access and then disable it again. Set-AzSqlServe

Warning: Multiple merge bases detected. The list of commits displayed might be incomplete

In Azure Repos, I have created a PR from branch A to branch B. There are no merge conflict displayed. But I end up with the warning message Warning: Multiple m

How to upload zip file on remote server using Azure DevOps

I am using Azure Deveops for build and release my MVC website to the different client machines. I was successfully able to build and release .Net Core applicati

Load Balancer Service type in azure VM

I have created a Kubernetes cluster ( 1 master, 2 workers VMs) using kubeadm on Azure. Node type service is working as expected. But Load Balancer service type

what is the way to get the variable group id of AzureDevops using CLI command

We are using AzureDevops server and automated our pipeline variable group and variables creation using a pre-build task which will run bash script below and wil

Construct a condition in Azure DevOps using 'each'

In Azure DevOps (YAML pipeline), we have a stages that should be run only after another set of stages have been skipped. In the example below, the parameter cop

Azure DevOps pipeline - How to tag sources when using multiple Git source repos

I have a multi-stage pipeline that is building multiple applications. I generate a common tag once per pipeline run. How do I have the pipeline update each sour

Build and push a docker image with build arguments from DevOps to ACR

I'm building a docker image in an Azure DevOps pipeline, then I want to push it to the Azure Container registry. The registry is already created and I've config

Azure devops Variables and Terraform

I am trying to create a azure key vault with the help of terraform where i want to save my DB password in my azure devops pipeline because obviously I cannot ha