Category "azure-pipelines"

In Azure, can I create a mapping at runtime?

I'm trying to loop over an array of group names and I want to dynamically get the IDs of those groups so that I can assign roles to them. I just learned I can s

AzureAD Powershell cmdlets work locally but erroring in Azure DevOps Microsoft Hosted Agent with "Error reading JToken from JsonReader"

I have a powershell script that runs locally on my Windows Desktop running powershell 7.2.1. However when run on a Microsoft Hosted Windows-Latest agent in Azu

How to use the Manual Validation task in Azure DevOps pipeline?

I've have read the official document for the Manual Validation task. This is one of my stages in my YAML Pipeline: - stage: Prod dependsOn: QA conditi

AzurePipeline failing due to: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1 were not found

I have an Azure pipeline setup for my builds. I have been running into this issue recently and cannot figure out a way to fix this: ##[error]C:\Program Files\Mi

Azure devops build pipeline faild error MSB4062: The "IsTestFileByName" task could not be loaded from the assembly SonarQube.Integration.Tasks.dll

I am running a build pipeline with sonat tasks but when it arrives to the build task it fails and i got the following error : Here 'is my azure pipeline file:

Task AzureStaticWebApp@0 'could not detect this directory' but its presented

I am working on building a pipeline using AzureDevOps, and I face a strange problem. This is my pipeline: - stage: 'Test' displayName: 'Deploy to the test env

How to set up SonarQube code duplication by folder or group of projects and not for the whole Solution in a single Azure DevOps repository?

In our product stack, we have an intricate projects structure. There is a main app that is responsible for core functions (routing, auth, etc.) and there are su

Variable substitution in config, JSON files in Azure DevOps Pipeline

I am a bit new in Azure DevOps. I know there is way that we can do XML transformation and JSON variable replacement. We can define key, value and json variable

Exclude some file from the code coverage report in azure pipeline

I used the follow commands,but it did not worked. task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'dotnet test' inputs: command: test projects: '**/MedicoDoctorWebTest.

Azure DevOps Pipeline Azure SQL Deploy won't work with SQL script (Failed to login)

I've been trying to deploy a database via a pipeline from Azure DevOps to an Azure resource group. I have an ARM template for my database server in my Repo alon

Incoming webhook trigger for Azure Devops pipeline : "Cannot find webhook for the given webHookId"

I try to setup a incoming webhook in a project to trigger a yaml pipeline. Setup service connection with incoming webhook. Added yaml snippet to pipeline like t

Deploying Hugo onto staging website from feature branch

I was wondering whether there are folks out there who have found a proper solution for the following... We have a Hugo static website for which the code resides

Publishing test results in AzureDevops Hangs

We are using the Publish Test Results task PublishTestResults@2 to publish junit type results in a pipeline in Azure Devops. It has previously worked fine but i

Can you use custom docker image for Azure Pipelines when using the generic Git connection?

When using the GitHub connection with Azure DevOps pipelines I see that you can specify a docker image in your azure-pipelines.yml file (vmImage: option) But w

Azure devops pipeline failure : The remote server returned an error 503

I made a build pipeline in azure devops which contains a sonar Qube tasks , the pipeline works sometimes and sometimes it returns this exception : Failed to re

How to search my Pipeline among many Projects from DevOps Home Page

If I try to search a pipeline from my organisation’s home page search bar, it shows me nothing. I have multiple projects configured under ADO and I want t

How to get resource build version in pipeline?

resources: builds: - build: Spaceworkz type: Jenkins connection: MyJenkinsServer source: SpaceworkzProj # name of the jenkins source project

Azure devops - get agent ip address

I have a azure devops pipeline that runs 2 jobs - one on windows agent running a server, the other on Linux agent - running a client that connects to the server

Running my postman collections in Azure devOps build pipelines but fails with "401" and a "404" status code

I have exported my postman collections plus environment and global variables and pushed to them to Azure repos, then trying to run API test through a build pipe

What permission is required to remove or add resource lock for Azure SQL with Terraform on Azure Pipeline

I have prod subscription where deploying pipeline fails because of permission missing. My Azure AD user have no permission to create or remove locks of Azure SQ