I'm trying to loop over an array of group names and I want to dynamically get the IDs of those groups so that I can assign roles to them. I just learned I can s
I have a powershell script that runs locally on my Windows Desktop running powershell 7.2.1. However when run on a Microsoft Hosted Windows-Latest agent in Azu
I've have read the official document for the Manual Validation task. This is one of my stages in my YAML Pipeline: - stage: Prod dependsOn: QA conditi
I have an Azure pipeline setup for my builds. I have been running into this issue recently and cannot figure out a way to fix this: ##[error]C:\Program Files\Mi
I am running a build pipeline with sonat tasks but when it arrives to the build task it fails and i got the following error : Here 'is my azure pipeline file:
I am working on building a pipeline using AzureDevOps, and I face a strange problem. This is my pipeline: - stage: 'Test' displayName: 'Deploy to the test env
In our product stack, we have an intricate projects structure. There is a main app that is responsible for core functions (routing, auth, etc.) and there are su
I am a bit new in Azure DevOps. I know there is way that we can do XML transformation and JSON variable replacement. We can define key, value and json variable
I used the follow commands,but it did not worked. task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'dotnet test' inputs: command: test projects: '**/MedicoDoctorWebTest.
I've been trying to deploy a database via a pipeline from Azure DevOps to an Azure resource group. I have an ARM template for my database server in my Repo alon
I try to setup a incoming webhook in a project to trigger a yaml pipeline. Setup service connection with incoming webhook. Added yaml snippet to pipeline like t
I was wondering whether there are folks out there who have found a proper solution for the following... We have a Hugo static website for which the code resides
We are using the Publish Test Results task PublishTestResults@2 to publish junit type results in a pipeline in Azure Devops. It has previously worked fine but i
When using the GitHub connection with Azure DevOps pipelines I see that you can specify a docker image in your azure-pipelines.yml file (vmImage: option) But w
I made a build pipeline in azure devops which contains a sonar Qube tasks , the pipeline works sometimes and sometimes it returns this exception : Failed to re
If I try to search a pipeline from my organisation’s home page search bar, it shows me nothing. I have multiple projects configured under ADO and I want t
resources: builds: - build: Spaceworkz type: Jenkins connection: MyJenkinsServer source: SpaceworkzProj # name of the jenkins source project
I have a azure devops pipeline that runs 2 jobs - one on windows agent running a server, the other on Linux agent - running a client that connects to the server
I have exported my postman collections plus environment and global variables and pushed to them to Azure repos, then trying to run API test through a build pipe
I have prod subscription where deploying pipeline fails because of permission missing. My Azure AD user have no permission to create or remove locks of Azure SQ