Category "azure"

Azure Web Bot works in Azure portal but displays error when embedded in a website

I created a bot using QnaMaker and published it to Azure Portal. It deployed successfully and works in the "Test in Web App" on Azure Portal but does not work w

Partial data loss in JSON deserialization between IoT Hub and ASA Input

Setup is: IoT Hub > input into > Stream Analytics I currently have (3) sensors and an azure gateway from which are all reporting great into Azure

How to convert SqlDataReader result to generic list List<T>

I'm trying to fetch records form Azure database using I used SqlDataReader class for that. Even though the data fetch is successful, I don't know how to

Application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. Authentication error

Error while connecting an azure bot to the server.

How to get resource build version in pipeline?

resources: builds: - build: Spaceworkz type: Jenkins connection: MyJenkinsServer source: SpaceworkzProj # name of the jenkins source project

How detect if slot swapping is in progress

Im using .net sdk fluent azure API to change slots. I have two slots, prod and maintenance. I use azure queue trigger function to update appsettings, restart fu

loop through next url into api url in Azure data factory

I have a an api that contains some data and another api url named "nextapi" I want to loop through each api under api and store the data of each api page to azu

Azure devops - get agent ip address

I have a azure devops pipeline that runs 2 jobs - one on windows agent running a server, the other on Linux agent - running a client that connects to the server

The domain is blocked for Google Chrome

I haven't been able to use any site from on my Chrome browser for some time. Everything works fine on Edge and Firefox. I don't use

az cli deployment fails with Python error

I am deploying ADF linked templates from ADLS through GitHub Actions and pipeline fails withy generic Python error: ERROR: 'str' object has no attribute 'get' I

Azure function call other API,failed with 'A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,,,'

Azure function (Timer trigger) uses Restsharp to make a REST call to an external API, which is failing with error A connection attempt failed because the conne

how to check if tags exists - azure policy

I'm trying to check if the tags do not exist in a resource. the tags are inserted from an array parameter named ExcludeTags, in the following format: Key;Value,

Group enrollment in Azure Device Provisoning Service (DPS) not working through REST API: unauthorized 401002

I am trying to support DPS for my ESP32 firmware through HTTPS REST API using SAS. My device registration ID is: xx-xx-8c4b14149ff4 I took the group enrollment

Azure Storage Blob: Uploaded CSV file shows zero bytes

This problem I am facing in title is very similar to this question previously raised here (Azure storage: Uploaded files with size zero bytes), but it was for .

What is the "k8s can-i" equivalent in azure graph

I've created an app and configured its permission as in this document: Now,

Send alert if Azure ML pipeline fails

I am trying to add an alert if Azure ML pipeline fails. It looks that one of the ways is to create a monitor in the Azure Portal. The problem is that I cannot f

How can I run docker image in Azure app service with privileged option?

I'm trying to deploy docker image in Azure web app with privileged option. But I don't know how to customize docker run command in Azure web apps.

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

Is there an equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler? I found some very old articles online suggesting to use Azure Table Storage but it doesn't

Botframework v4 same state for all users C#

I'm trying to migrate my botframework APP v3 to v4, I followed the instruction from microsoft documentation and everything works fine except state control, in m