Category "babeljs"

Force Webpack to use ES6 syntax in react-app bundle [duplicate]

My aim would be to have ES6 syntax (or latest one) in my entire react-app built. I've already managed to avoid polyfills in my own code by omi

Next failed to load SWC binary

When trying to run the command using nextjs npm run dev shows error - failed to load SWC binary see more info here:

jest issue with typescript react components

I'm currently having an issue with Jest and Typescript inside a Lerna mono repo. Inside the test file, I've imported the component import { Doctor } from '../sr

"Parsing error: No babel config file detected" when IDE not open at Vue projects root directory

I stumbled into a problem where in VS Code, when a Vue project is created and not open at root directory of the Vue project, babel.config.js wouldn't load and I

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@babel/plugin-preset-react' imported from

when I run the command to build the react project: yarn build show error: ➜ react-admin git:(master) ✗ yarn build yarn run v1.22.17 $ webpack --

Jest Call retries were exceeded

I have error in the following below test. My node version is : v12.10.0. is there any alternative of setTimeout? test('demo code', async () => {

React Native Metro bundler resolver issue with json (None of these files exist)

I have monorepo with React code and React Native code. react - common - - file.json ... react-native - App.js In App.js I tried to import json file from react/

Will my code be transpiled twice if I use TypeScript in a Vue.js 3 project?

I'm not very experienced in either TypeScript, Vue, or the Node ecosystem. I have a working setup created using Vue CLI, with Vue 3 and TypeScript, pretty much

How to enable import assertions for Babel?

In my React app I want to use import assertion: import data from "./json/clients-m.json" assert { type: "json" } However, I get the following error: ERROR in

Unable to set property 'wrap' of undefined or null reference

I'm building a bundle with webpack + babel for browser, targeting it to ES5. When I try to use it, an error Unable to set property 'wrap' of undefined or null r

React + Webpack 5 + Babel 7 IE11 issue -- not attaching to root

I have been scouring the internet for solution after solution and nothing seems to be working for me so I'm requesting help. Issue: No matter what I do, I can't

Class constructor NodeEnvironment cannot be invoked without ‘new’

At first I encountered this error: P

Imports not importing using Jest and Typescript

I am using Jest, Enzyme and Typescript, but for some reason certain imports are not working... they are undefined. For example, I have import ReactMarkdown from

I'm using ThirdWeb to create an app. However I'm getting a babel error that I'm not able to fix

The code causing the error is the import line which goes:import { ChainId, ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";. This is the error message: ./node_mod

vue ui showing Error: NO_MODULES when creating a project (windows)

I could see the GUI on the browser when I run vue ui command, and then when creating a project, I selected the npm as the Package Manager from the dropdown list

babel-node with typescript throws "Cannot use import statement outside a module" in command line

So, I saw many similar issues, but most of them refer to built code, and this one is actually a CLI script. My command is: node_modules/.bin/babel-node -x .js,.

Failed to load config "next/babel" to extend from eslintrc.json

When I'm trying to build the Next.Js app then the below error is coming with a successful build. This error is showing when I deploy the app in Vercel. error -

.globals is not a valid Plugin property

I want to integrate the QR code scanner feature in my react-native-based applications. so I am installing the react-native-vision-camera package. According to d

How to use BigInt exponentiation with Babel?

Consider this: const a = BigInt(2); const b = BigInt(2); const c = a ** b; Babel will convert this to: var a = BigInt(2); var b = BigInt(2); var c = Math.po

How do I configure absolute paths for imports in TypeScript based React Native apps?

In order to avoid '../../../../' style relative imports in a TypeScript based React Native app, I would like to configure the app so that I can use absolute imp