How to get the location while app is in background periodically and execute some task supportive with android 12 ?
This code is not printed, when app go to background in iOS. Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { print('timer'); } I need to save state to database a
I noticed this happening a couple of weeks ago on a website that I built and have worked on since 2017. On the landing page of this site, there's two sections t
I'm working on a weather app with ReactJS, what i'm trying to do is have a slideshow of images for my background, the images will be full screen, fading from on
the background color of the selected item in eclipse. How can I change the color here without changing the theme (see Figure)? The eclipse version I use is 2022
I am using the plugin CARP_BACKGROUND_LOCATION to set a foreground service in my app and get the location updates, all is fine but when I open the app and after
This is my Code:- AndroidManifest.xml <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/> Java side: if
On a repeated background, the edges of the repeated tiles don't align exactly on certain zoom levels. This leads to unwanted edges as the color of the backgroun
I have different CSS for every page. I already tried some tutorials, but that one Hero does not want to disappear. How do I remove that one Hero? Using React v.
I am building a react native app and I have to get user geolocation in background. I have this error when I run npm run android after I installed this library h
How can I remove the background-color and opacity property using Javascript only (no Jquery!). I tried this: document.getElementById('darkOverlay').style.remo
I'm making a Login page on Jetpack compose. I'm using themes with MaterialTheme. When I choose the background colour as white, it shows me a dark grey colour. I
I am using the following code to add a background image, function Page1_Create: TWizardPage; var Page1: TWizardPage; // Fonts // P
How do I make a color changing/fading background using html and css and possibly javascript similar to waht has?
I just want to know any of your experiences scheduling daily jobs that perform tasks like data upload with POST API request and then update the local database w
I have to add blur effect with a smooth transition to bottom part of video background. I mean I don't need a sharp transition like this <
I have this style rule: body { font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 100%; line-height: 175%; margin: 0 15% 0; background-color: #d2dc9d; backgro
how do I can have different content on different pages? I use app.js as a home, and contact for second page, but whatever change I made in App.js, the change wi
I need to change color on selected item in list view, i know how to do that in click method, but the thing is that I want to set it then i load new activity. In
Friends, I created an android background service that is called every 2 minutes. When its called it starts listening for locationUpdates for GPS and NETWORK for