Category "background"

Background Location with workmanager

How to get the location while app is in background periodically and execute some task supportive with android 12 ?

Timer is not worked in background flutter

This code is not printed, when app go to background in iOS. Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { print('timer'); } I need to save state to database a

CSS-only Parallax background stopped working on all devices/browsers

I noticed this happening a couple of weeks ago on a website that I built and have worked on since 2017. On the landing page of this site, there's two sections t

React Background Image Change Animation

I'm working on a weather app with ReactJS, what i'm trying to do is have a slideshow of images for my background, the images will be full screen, fading from on

How does eclipse change the selected background color of the option bar

the background color of the selected item in eclipse. How can I change the color here without changing the theme (see Figure)? The eclipse version I use is 2022

CARP_BACKGROUND_LOCATION How can I get this data

I am using the plugin CARP_BACKGROUND_LOCATION to set a foreground service in my app and get the location updates, all is fine but when I open the app and after

BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS not working even After Granting Permission from BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS Dialog in some Vivo,Oppo Devices

This is my Code:- AndroidManifest.xml <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/> Java side: if

How to create a zig zag pattern using CSS

On a repeated background, the edges of the repeated tiles don't align exactly on certain zoom levels. This leads to unwanted edges as the color of the backgroun

How do I have different Hero (background) on different pages

I have different CSS for every page. I already tried some tutorials, but that one Hero does not want to disappear. How do I remove that one Hero? Using React v.

Installation of @mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation

I am building a react native app and I have to get user geolocation in background. I have this error when I run npm run android after I installed this library h

Javascript remove background color and opacity

How can I remove the background-color and opacity property using Javascript only (no Jquery!). I tried this: document.getElementById('darkOverlay').style.remo

Can´t put the background in white on jetpack compose

I'm making a Login page on Jetpack compose. I'm using themes with MaterialTheme. When I choose the background colour as white, it shows me a dark grey colour. I

Filling with image [duplicate]

I am using the following code to add a background image, function Page1_Create: TWizardPage; var Page1: TWizardPage; // Fonts // P

How to make an HTML/CSS/JS color changing background (like has)

How do I make a color changing/fading background using html and css and possibly javascript similar to waht has?

Recomendation for daily background work in Android

I just want to know any of your experiences scheduling daily jobs that perform tasks like data upload with POST API request and then update the local database w

Blur video background

I have to add blur effect with a smooth transition to bottom part of video background. I mean I don't need a sharp transition like this <

How can I clip the background of the <body> element to its content box?

I have this style rule: body { font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 100%; line-height: 175%; margin: 0 15% 0; background-color: #d2dc9d; backgro

Same content on every page

how do I can have different content on different pages? I use app.js as a home, and contact for second page, but whatever change I made in App.js, the change wi

Android set single item background color in listview

I need to change color on selected item in list view, i know how to do that in click method, but the thing is that I want to set it then i load new activity. In

Service stops running after a while on the real device ( > 40 minutes ) works on emulator

Friends, I created an android background service that is called every 2 minutes. When its called it starts listening for locationUpdates for GPS and NETWORK for