Currently I'm learning ISBN barcode generation. In that I created a main and supplementary barcode. I'm not aware how much space we need to provide between mai
Which the best library in Flutter to read UDIGI 2.0 medical device codes ? All libraries I use, like: 'package:flutter_barcode_scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner.d
I have an Android app, where it simply scans the Barcode and this is working fine. The problem is, sometimes if I have my phone during scanning turned to carpet
While attempting to render in HTML a collection of article barcodes and proceeding incrementally to view the data (relative to other objects on tha page), the c
I have been trying to get this done but with no succes for the last couple of days. I am trying to add a squarebox overlay ( wouldbe nice if it could contain 2
I have a barcode scanner working fine on Android, but I am struggling to find plugins that support a web app. This is the closest one I've found that seems to b
We are experiencing an issue with IIS not picking up on a font added to the system. Running our webservice through Visual Studio works fine and the font is use